We Are Going to Make It: Prologue

Dec 15, 2010 16:43

Title: We Are Going to Make It: Prologue
Author: emmelia24 
Rating: PG, nothing happens yet but it will definitely change.
Pairing: Quinn Fabray and Sam Evans, eventually Quinn Fabray and Rachel Berry
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters. This is purely and simply fiction. The characters belong to Fox and Ryan Murphy and a bunch of other people I do not know.         
Summary: Future!fic. Quinn and Rachel’s lives have not turned out the way they had dreamed they would.
A/N: I’m back! This story has been in my mind for quite sometime now. I wanted to do a more original Faberry future fic, so here is my attempt. I hope you all enjoy it. This chapter may be a little boring because it’s background information but don’t worry there will be faberry eventually! I would love it if you guys commented, even if you hate it. I love hearing from you guys <3 Thank you! Happy reading!

It was a Monday night. There were dirty dishes piled high in the sink filled with sudsy water. A woman was scrubbing away the evidence of the meal, the dull buzz of a football game lingering in the background.

The woman’s mind drifted towards her high school days, back when all that mattered was being popular and getting good grades; money didn’t matter so much then. She thought of her cheerleading career, how she would stand in the cold cheering on the far from athletic boys as she wore her sinfully short skirt. Even though their team had sucked, the girls showed up to every game, wore their uniform everyday, and practiced until they passed out; butt they didn’t practice for the football team; they practiced for college, but more importantly, they practiced for glory, for popularity, and for Sue Sylvester.

Images of the tall boys in red uniforms spiriting down the field, some getting tackled, flew threw her mind. All of her high school boyfriends had been on that losing team. Something about a man in uniform, or more a man in power, had infatuated her back then. Looking back, those boys were no different from the nerds or music geeks. They just had nice uniforms.

“Hey, honey, can you grab me a beer?”

Quinn Fabray was pulled from her stroll down memory lane and thrown back into her current life, married life. She went to the fridge, grabbed a cool brown bottle, and made her way to the living room.

“Thanks baby,” the man in the armchair muttered as he eagerly began to down the alcohol.

She didn’t respond and simply went back to the dishes. As she cleaned, making sure each plate was spotless for her husband, she began to hum a familiar tune.

Just a small town girl,

Living in a lonely world.

A smile, the first genuine one in months, danced across her porcelain skin. Her heart swelled at the memory. Glee Club. At first, she had joined the club to get her first quarterback boyfriend back as she felt him slipping away; once she knew that that ship had sailed, she actually began to enjoy spending time with the misfits. Singing and dancing was fun, but if anything it was the feeling of belonging to something special that made her love it more than cheerleading.

God, I’m sounding like Rachel Berry.

Quinn was now twenty-five years old, still living in Lima, Ohio. Most of her fellow Glee friends had left, Kurt and Rachel to New York, Mercedes to Los Angeles, Tina and Artie to Chicago. Brittany and Santana had moved in together and went on to state college for cheerleading. There were only two other people who were left besides her in their hometown, Finn, who was supporting his mother and father at the garage while going to community college, and Puck, doing whatever the hell he was doing.

Somehow, Quinn had managed to do exactly the opposite of what she dreamed of. Somehow, she was still in Ohio. She had wanted to go to New York. NYU was her dream school. She wanted to be a teacher, a math teacher to be more specific. And she had gotten in too. Everything had been going the way she had dreamed it would be going; she would go to school in a new city with new people, the perfect fresh start. In New York, no one would know she had been pregnant at sixteen. No one would know she had cheated on her boyfriend with her boyfriend’s best friend. Best of all, no one would know who she was. Her biggest fear was ending up like her sister, like her mother, alone, in a big empty house with an oppressive husband in Ohio.

Yet here she was, alone in a big empty house with a vacant, not oppressive husband. He was sweet and faithful and cared for Quinn more than she had expected, unlike her own father who regarded his wife as a piece of dirt on his leather shoe.

No, Sam Evans was far from oppressive. In high school, he had charmed his was to the top of the social ladder with his adorable blonde hair and sweet smile. He wasn’t the smartest kid, but his looks and his voice brought him success. Then soon enough, he was on the football team, battling like so many others for the top spot, the quarterback. Somehow, he had achieved it and reveled in his newfound popularity. Naturally, he chose to go after the head cheerleader. It was a given. Head cheerleader, quarterback. It was a match made in heaven.

She was hesitant at first; she had just given away her child for adoption and the loss had been eating away at her soul, a giant gaping hole where her daughter had once lived. The only way she knew how to cope was to go back to what was normal, being a bitch and being on top. So when he promised to be true, to make her proud, to never ever hurt her, she pushed away her doubts and surrendered.

Midway through her senior year, her father had come crawling back to them, pleading that he loved them, that he had made a huge mistake, blah, blah, blah. Her mother had fallen for this act and let him back home. The remainder of her year was spent watching her mother worship her father as he drowned himself in alcohol.

When she had told her parents about Sam, they were more than pleased. Up until then, they were pretending Quinn had never gotten pregnant, that she had never been thrown out of her home, and that her father had never cheated.

“Invite the boy over, Quinnie. I want to meet the man,” her father had said that night at the dinner table, taking a swig of liquor.

So she brought Sam to her house for dinner and her parents loved him. He was sweet, charming, handsome and most importantly popular. Great for the Fabray reputation, her father had said. It was decided that Sam and Quinn would attend university together in California, Mr. Fabray paying for both of their tuition. They spent four years studying together and getting to know each other better. Quinn should have been happy. She was at school with her boyfriend of then three years getting fantastic grades and not having to pay a dime for anything; but she was miserable. Sam was obsessed with his football career, rarely spending time with her. When he wasn’t playing football he was out with the team drinking at a club.

After four years, they returned home to Lima. It was then, under the stars at the park, that Sam asked her to marry him. If she had had her doubts about dating him five years prior, imagine the doubts she had had at that moment. Her heart was screaming no. Never in her entire life did she feel the way she was supposed to feel with Sam. Her heart didn’t beat out of her chest when she saw him. Her lips never tingled when he kissed her. Her heart never skipped a beat at the sight of him smiling. It was not love. It was convenience.

She would picture her life didn’t see the blonde boy as her husband. She pictured herself in New York teaching young children addition and long division, not playing the good wife making her husband dinner and cleaning the house while he went out and made the money.

But her head was saying yes. This was what was supposed to happen, right? Marry a boy after college, have a baby, die in a nursing home.  Her parents wanted her to marry this boy. They were the “it” couple, everyone envied them. Ken and Barbie, as a brunette used to call them, although then it had a negative connotation. It was the right thing to do. Sam was sweet and loved her more than she would ever know; but it was not mutual. She said yes because he was there, he was knocking at her door and no one else was. It had gotten to the point where it was assumed they’d get married and have little blonde perfect children together.

So she said yes and the boy spun her around and kissed her hard on the lips before announcing to the world that he had finally captured Quinn Fabray, like she was some prize at an arcade.

Now, she stood in her kitchen, her hand frozen underneath the scalding hot water, remembering how she got to that point. Was this it? According to her parents, it was. She had found a good man who would take care of her and had enough money to last her a lifetime.

It should have been enough; but it wasn’t. She wasn’t happy. She didn’t jump out of bed in anticipation for the day. Her heart did leap when she saw her husband. Each morning she merely dragged herself out of bed to make them breakfast and give Sam his coffee and newspaper before sending him off to work.

No, this couldn’t be it; there had to be more to life than this. There had to be more.

sam evans, quinn fabray, faberry, rachel berry, glee

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