Em sighed as she let herself into her room. She slowly walked to the bathroom to wash her face and change into a grey tank top and pajama pants. Finally, she sat on the bed and pulled out her trusty datapadd to
update her livejournal with a short Christmas wishlist. She frowned. She hadn't seen John in a while so she quickly wrote out a message.
To John Grimm )
There was only so many ways someone could have gotten Emma those pills she shouldn't have had.
Turning his head slow to Kirk, he sighed, his shoulders relaxing a fraction. Truth be told, he shouldn't be involved in an investigation of his medical staff - fuck, he'd probably be investigated as well. "It would be almost impossible to tell if someone brought them on board if they came in a shuttle, they could carry anything with them. It's not a heavy narcotic, that hydronol, but it's not just thrown around. It's serious sedation for people with real insomnia problems."
"I'll be back."
"Doc... Are you gonna be okay? I mean, the entire medical staff is going to be under investigation and, forgive me if I'm wrong, but you seem to be the head of said medical staff." John grimaced as the harsh words flowed out of his mouth. Too much time in the military hadn't left him with the best social skills.
"What I mean to say is are you... Do you need me? I mean, Doc.... Leonard. Do you want privacy, or some companionship? 'Cause I'm worried about Em... but she's your mother. You've got priority. You say leave and I'm gone. Just, I need some guidance. Never was the best at reading people." John snorted and motioned to the inches of space between their skin. "Well, you might be different. But that's another story for another time."
John sighed, trying not to let his imagination run away with him when it came to Emma's condition. He just had to believe she would be fine. That was all he could do.
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