Mississippi Personhood Amendment

Oct 12, 2011 13:53

Originally posted by gabrielleabelle at Mississippi Personhood Amendment
Okay, so I don't usually do this, but this is an issue near and dear to me and this is getting very little no attention in the mainstream media.

Mississippi is voting on November 8th on whether to pass Amendment 26, the "Personhood Amendment". This amendment would grant fertilized eggs and ( Read more... )

women's issues, omg

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Comments 8

cosmic_reverie October 12 2011, 21:12:01 UTC
I read about that proposal as a small blurb near the end of the newspaper yesterday, and I too wondered about the lack of news coverage. I hold a different view than you do, or at least a different view than the original author of the posting. I hope and pray with all of my heart that the amendment passes and stats what will be the eventual (and I think inevitable) overturning of Roe versus Wade, one of the bloodiest mistakes in recent American history. I believe that personhood, a living human with an inalianable right to life, does begin as conception. Going forward from this believe, it shouldn't be hard to see why pro-life advocates fight so hard at what we see is the mass murder of innocent babies. Why is it that when a person murders a pregnant woman, we call it two murders? Are we only allowing a person to have a human right to life when that person is wanted ( ... )


emerybored October 12 2011, 21:25:54 UTC
I agree mainly about life beginning at conception. And I believe that abortion should be the last resort, but I do believe that a woman should have the option. My big example is this: a friend of mine was abused by her father. He got her pregnant several times. Once when she was twelve, and again when she was 14. She miscarried both times. She was Catholic and was completely conflicted about possibly aborting these pregnancies. But it should have been an option for her, had her body not rejected them. No one should be forced by the law to carry a baby that was conceived by incest or rape, or one that will endanger her life, or a baby that will die before or right after birth. I don't know if I could make that difficult, life-altering decision, but I feel better knowing that it's an option if necessary. I certainly don't believe that it should be used as birth control. A woman, and her partner, need to be responsible and prevent pregnancy in the first place wit the use of contraceptives and condoms ( ... )


cosmic_reverie October 12 2011, 21:41:56 UTC
I'm very sorry for your friend! What an awful thing to go through. It's always the worst when children are harmed and forced to carry heavy burdens. But, I still don't agree that abortion should be an option in that case, either. What fault of it of the unborn child that the father committed a horrible act? The child is already created and is completely innocent. I heard a talk by a woman who was the product of a failed abortion attempt her story was heartbreaking. If her mother had succeeded, she wouldn't have had a chance at life. My own grandmother has told my dad that she would have aborted him if she had the option. My understanding is that she and my paternal grandfather had a fling and that he totally left her after, never to be heard from again. I personally think it would have been a loss to the world if my father wasn't born, certainly my sister and I wouldn't have had a chance for life either, not to mention any offspring I may have. Two wrongs don't make a right, right? Abortion doesn't change the fact that abuse or rape ( ... )


emerybored October 12 2011, 21:51:08 UTC
Um, sorry, but you left out an innocent party: my friend. She was abused and was fully innocent of the maliciousness forced upon her. To ask a 12-year-old to carry a child to term is dangerous for both her and the baby because even though the girl was able to conceive, her body isn't developed enough to safely carry the baby, nor are her hips wide enough to safely deliver. And the baby is more than likely going to have serious birth defects or other health problems due to the mix of a father's and daughter's genetics. And it's not fair to that new child, either. That child, even if they're healthy, are being born into a family where the father is their grandfather, too, and that man is so sick as to rape his daughter. And that child's mother isn't old enough, mature enough, or capable mentally to take care of that child. A child of twelve in a normal nuclear family would have difficulty enough caring for a newborn. A twelve-year-old being raped by her father on a regular basis, and, in this case, a mother who is complicit in the abuse ( ... )


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emerybored October 13 2011, 02:30:10 UTC
I definitely feel that rape should be prosecuted with the same vigor and with the same penalties as murder. And child rapists need to be automatically sentenced to death. Though, from all I hear, child abusers are themselves made victims when in prison because even a murderer thinks child molesters are the scum of the earth

My big beef with this bill is that it forces a woman to put the zygote's needs over her own. A woman MUST be allowed to choose, even though it's an unpopular choice. To tell a woman she must carry a child that is her rapist's or her relative's is insane. To tell a woman who is addicted to drugs, or has a life-threatening disease that she must carry a child, even though there will be damage to either the child or the mother is outrageous. To give a woman fewer rights than the zygote in her fallopian tube is absurd. We need to take care of the people we already have, and not sacrifice them for a moral/religious stance.


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