Title: A Proper Challenge
Pairing: SWS!Spoony/Harvey Finevoice
Word Count: 300-ish
Rating: PG-13. Nothing much happens but hey, this is Spoony here.
A/N: And now for something completely different! I hope you enjoy it and, remember, Spoony belongs to Noah and Harvey belongs to Lewis. Just wanted to make that clear.
Spoony was at his normal table in his normal bar. Only problem? He was alone. Everyone on the site had wised up to him by now; he'd already used up the Nostalgia Chick, Goggles, Benzaie, the Critic, Joe and Sage and he didn't really want to try any one of them again. Linkara, Nurse Scarlett and MarzGurl avoided him completely and much preferred his saner alter-ego, he didn't even want to think about how he'd have sex with a toy bear and the Nerd would probably require far more than copious amounts of charm, drugs and alcohol to get into in bed with him.
Just then, a suave-looking man in a tuxedo came in with two young, giggly blondes pawing at him. He looked oddly familiar and he grinned to himself. It looked like he wouldn't have to leave here empty-handed, after all.
When the girls had gone to the bathroom together, he sat down next to the guy and gave him a winning smile. And to his credit, he didn't seem all that unhappy about a male stranger in a smoker's jacket coming over to see him.
"Can I get you and your ladies some drinks?"
The man shrugged. "They're just out of my harem."
He leaned in closer. "Can I get you a drink?"
The man sat back in his chair and smirked lazily. "Are you going to be taking me home or will I be taking you home?"
He mentally gave himself a kick, suddenly remembering why he went for people with no self-respect. But on the other hand, this could be a fun challenge for him.
"We shall see." He held out a hand. "I'm Spoony, by the way."
The man shook it, obviously interested in this as he was. "Harvey Finevoice."