Title: I Don't Mind
Characters/Pairings: Chick/OC, Chick/Nella, Critic/OCs, Critic/ATG, Linkara, Marz/Goggles
Rating: PG-15 for non-explicit non-con and other fun things you get when reading about hookers.
H/C Bingo Prompt: Wildcard - Rent boys and rent girls.
Word Count: 530
Disclaimer: Only the story is mine. The characters belong to their respective people and the song is by The Decemberists.
A/N: I've never done a song!fic before so this is new to me. I hope it's satisfying to everyone and, in case you're wondering, the "uncle" thing comes from the Chick's review of "Enchanted Christmas".
Here's you with your mom on your back going into the woods
It happened just once, towards the end before Nella had left for good, but it'd been a cold, slow night and Chick had just wanted to give up and go to bed. But there was this guy. This tall, butch, creepy man who reminded her of her uncle when she was a kid. He was drunk and gropey, so she'd hated him and walked away. He eventually put a knife to her neck and smiled, teeth bared, so she gladly did whatever he wanted her to do. She went home in tears and Nella hadn't minded that she hadn't made any money - instead she snuggled her up in a blanket on the sofa and made her laugh with one of her My Little Pony stories.
She's so proud that you're staying on track like a good son should
Critic found out that he had been stupid to think that Ask That Guy going away for one of his many weeks-long disappearances meant he didn't have to have paid sex with anyone. Turned out that he had a reputation, Ask That Guy owed some people and with music turned on loud, nobody in the apartment building could hear screaming. It hadn't exactly been the nicest life lesson he had ever learned. Ask That Guy had come back the next day and, finding him still on the floor, promised expert finger torture that would make grown men cry like babies. And for once, he was thankful - even grateful - to believe him.
But you don't know why you got all choked up when you said goodbye
Linkara's first ever crash had made him feel like he was going to die. His head was pounding, his skin was boiling yet drowning in sweat, he kept heaving but only managed to be sick once and his insides felt like mush that could spill out if he ever took the chance of sleeping. But later on, after he had miraculously ridden it out (it had taken so long) and was now curled up with his Mom on the couch and watching Daytime TV... it made him feel like he could pretend it never happened and he was perfectly normal, that he had never done anything that she'd be ashamed of. It felt good.
And you can hear her still when the nights are still crying out for calamine
In her defense, Marz really thought he was going to kill her. In her defense, she hadn't even killed him. He was still breathing after she had thrown up first and checked his body second. He'd be a vegetable or just a bit brain damaged, most likely. She hadn't wanted this. It wasn't her fault. She would be more than happy to end things herself if worse came to the worse. But Goggles had seen the blood on her hands, her dead-looking eyes and even though they'd had one of their massive fights the night before, cleaned her up and held her for what felt like forever while she sobbed onto her shoulder.
Is it too late to tell you I don't mind?