Tommorow is the final day where I walk and get my high school diploma, the end of the line for high school..forever.
im so sad to see my friends go its hurts sooo much. tommorow is going to be insane, grad, dinner, project graduation, then new job the next day.
im worried, concerned, excited, why does it have to be so bittersweet?
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Mar 03, 2006 15:30
Today was Senior yaer skip day, i skipped school. went to Barnes and Noble and had a large moch frappuchino. my friend Melinda came over. we watched pride and prejudice, i decided not to go to the beach with my other friends... i had so much to post in the past about my Austrian girl leaving, etc...dont feel it
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Dec 21, 2005 07:52
My site is switching servers so i was bored and made some icons but cant post them over at the fansite so ill post them here for you all. hope you like them.
on to William )