Title: One Good Deed Deserves Another
Rating: PG
Words: 885
Characters: Ginny Weasley, Draco Malfoy; Harry Potter
Summary: Post-HBP. Two years have gone by since the passing of Albus Dumbledore, and the Wizarding World is in turmoil.
Author Notes:
- Originally this planned to be 2k-3k in length, it just wouldn't cooperate.
- This is without a beta, so
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Comments 4
I don't like the pairing, but the fanfiction was good, you did really well. According to me you didn't spend too much time describing the background, it was ok. Ginny is really in character, she's kind of funny, but it's unfair that she could kiss Draco just to thank him. XD *jealous* I liked how you described Draco, his coldness at the beginning made the dialogues nicer.
I really liked the sentence 'And Malfoys never disappoint', it's perfect and it somehow reminds me of a fanfiction written by a friend of mine (the first fanfiction I ever read).
I love the way you write, I already told you in our talks.
I originally had this long idea thought out, about the fact that Draco had been hiding at Spinner's End for going on 2 years, and that actually Snape had been drugging him to keep him from having to be watched constantly. He slowly learned of this fact and began to fake taking the drugged food which led to him actually being awake one night that felt different to him -- discovering that Ginny had been captured while trespassing.
I just couldn't figure out how to write it out without having it stretch on forever. So I had written the escape scene first because it was already in my head, and it came out to be the only part I could write. lol!
I'm glad you enjoyed it, I tried to stay true to the characters (although I had to let Draco do a good thing for any chance to get a willing kiss from Ginny. lol >_<) I decided to have Draco put importance in his family name and status to help him realize that maybe there was more out there for him, especially for all he had sacrificed in the story.
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