Title: International Cooperation
Author name:
emeraldsnakesWord Count: 928
Fandom: Stargate/Torchwood/NCIS
Rating: PG-13
Main Characters: Evan Lorne/Ianto Jones/Tony DiNozzo
Summary: DiNozzo sighed, "Seems to be more fun drinking with you."
Disclaimers: I own neither Torchwood nor NCIS nor SGA
Written for
stargateland The bar was crowded and noisy but that was what Evan had been looking for. At least there were no Marines. As much as he liked and respected the ones he worked with on Atlantis, being the only sane Air Force Officer on base meant that he needed to get away sometimes.
"Mind if I join you?" a richly accented voice broke through the noise.
Evan was sitting alone at the only booth not filled with frat boys, office workers or government agents. He opened his eyes to the young man dressed in a very nice suit. He was a very attractive looking young man.
"Sure. Evan Lorne," he supplied.
"Ianto Jones," the young man supplied in return, sliding into the booth.
Evan studied him for a moment, "Welsh?"
Ianto was surprised, "How'd you guess?"
"Our CMO is Scottish. The last time I was on leave consisted around St. Patrick's day and a group of Irishmen drank me under the table. I was stuck in RAF Mildenhall for four days once and just recently my base got a rotation of Royal Marines. You're Welsh."
Evan decided to leave out that he recognized the design on Ianto's cufflinks from that time is Mom went through a Welsh Art phase and the incident where Lieutenant Ithell lectured Mckay about the difference between the Welsh and the British in front of the entire mess hall.
"I'm impressed Evan, though I'm going to assume you're not Marine yourself if you were stranded in Mildenhall."
Evan chuckled, "You'd be correct. Flyboy through and through."
Ianto hummed into his drink. "How's that work out for you on a Marine Base?"
"It's not a base, per-say. Its…classified but the project is international despite the military presence being US Marines. Actually, my CO is Air Force but he's crazy so he doesn't count. It's my job to clean up after him and do the paperwork."
"You too?" Ianto asked, empathy lacing his voice. "Sounds like Jack, my boss. I've resorted to bribery and coffee deprivation just to get him to do his."
Evan filed that away for later. While it had crossed his mind to try and bribe Sheppard, he hadn't been too sure he could pull it off. Maybe, now that he knew Sheppard better he'd be able to work something to his advantage.
"Does he flirt with all the girls, smirk like he's god and go on suicide missions?"
"Jack doesn't limit himself to girls."
Evan snorted, "Thank god Sheppard has, cause if he didn't and it caused an incident I don't know how I'd sugar coat it."
They paused, refilled their drinks and Evan removed his sweater. Trust the damn IOA to make his scheduled report in the frigid winter. DC was terrible this time of year.
"Do you live here or are you on business?" Work, as vague as they were being, was a safe topic but he hoped they could move past it eventually.
"Business. Trying to keep Jack from inciting an international pissing match. I haven't been too successful. On the plus side, our governments haven't been brought in."
Evan laughed. Ianto probably never had a dull day with a base like that. It was something he could relate to, with Sheppard, the Marines and the scientists. A dull day in Atlantis meant that someone was getting ready for a prank war. After the last one Woosley had been rumored to have joined in.
"Jones," a man slid into the booth beside Ianto. His suit wasn't as immaculate as Ianto's but it looked expensive. He reminded Evan a bit of Sheppard actually but without the hair.
"DiNozzo. Decided to give up your surveillance and just join me, I see," Ianto replied amused.
DiNozzo sighed, "Seems to be more fun drinking with you."
He introduced himself to Evan, "Special Agent Tony DiNozzo, NCIS."
Evan gave Ianto a strange look, "Your boss is having a pissing contest with the Navy?"
Ianto shrugged helplessly, "That's Jack."
Tony was confused so Evan introduced himself, rank included.
"Were Jack and Gibbs still arguing when you left?" Ianto asked.
Tony nodded, "My bet is they'll be at it all night."
Ianto snorted, "Not if they're fucking."
Evan laughed with Tony turned to Ianto aghast. The way his eyes widened and his mouth drew slack; it was priceless.
"You can't be serious," Tony spluttered.
But Ianto was and from what Evan had heard about Jack, he could easily believe it.
"You…it…you don’t get it," Tony tried to explain. "Gibbs is a Marine, hard core. He could scare the pants off of anything. And he's had four wives, three of them exes, not to mention gone through probably the entire red headed population of DC and he used to date our former Director. Gibbs embodies straight."
"Like you're supposed to?" Ianto countered with a leer. "I saw the way you checked out Jack, the way you check out other men."
Tony blushed, "Gibbs is still straight."
"Jack can charm his way into anyone's bed," Ianto told them.
"And from what you're saying," Evan added, "Only people who fight the way your bosses are fighting have either known each other a long time, or it's their form of foreplay."
Tony banged his head on the tabletop, "Fuck, Gibbs is going to be hell tomorrow."
Evan smirked, "We can always make the night enjoyable."
Ianto had a gleam in his eye, like he knew exactly what Evan was suggesting.
Tony looked up, "And what would that be?"
Evan raked his eyes over both Tony and Ianto, "What do you think?"