Story Title: Ghosts
Fandoms: Supernatural/Mentalist
Characters: Patrick Jane
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Spoilers: 2x05
Disclaimer: I own neither Supernatural or Mentalist
Everyone ad their different views on the supernatural, most notably ghosts since they were the ones that popped up more often than not. Patrick Jane was not very surprised to learn that only Grace actually believed in ghosts. She was spiritual and while spiritual people believed in some things, they didn’t believe in everything.
Patrick believed, he believed in everything from ghosts to ghouls, fairies to demons and while he didn’t Hunt them, he kept an eye out for the signs and informed the more experienced Hunters.
He had just started getting into the Psychic business when a man by the name of John Winchester had approached him, asking questions about the supernatural. At first Patrick hadn’t believed a word the man had said, but as time wore on and he saw that John believed he was telling the truth he decided to see if whether or not John was crazy.
John was far from crazy and it scared the shit out of him. He hadn’t been able to sleep for days after the vengeful spirit and the only way to calm his nerves had been to ward his house like the best of Hunters. He knew a lot about Hunting and the lore behind the most common Supernatural beings likely to show up.
When the rumours of the ghost showed up in their latest case, he knew immediately they were false. Ghosts didn’t just hang around for that long without there being some kind of record of their doings, so he did what he could to prove the rumours false.
He never wanted to have to explain the Supernatural to his teammates.