Baby, It's Cold Out There 2/2 h/c bingo story 3

Jan 21, 2016 17:42


Tony looked up as ropes and harnesses were tossed down to him before a backboard was eased down. The board caught on some bushes, causing the rescue workers up top to tug on the rope, pulling it slightly back up before it came loose. On their second attempt, Tony was there to help guide it down. He hated to separate Gibbs and McGee ( Read more... )

ncis, h/c bingo, fiction

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Comments 5

ncisrox January 22 2016, 17:12:03 UTC
Love this. I love how Toony and Ducky have so easily picked up on and accept d the changes this ordeal has brought out in Gibbs. I love that Abby so readily assessed the situation and let Gibbs do why he felt was necessary. And I love the way that Ziva is in protective mode. All so good.


emerald_green37 January 23 2016, 15:48:20 UTC
Thank you. It was fun with this series to let it develop organically. I knew plot-wise what would happen - the shooting, the kidnapping, the rescue, the recovery - but I didn't actually plan out any of the reactions. Didn't even plan it to be slash or what the pairing would be. Actually, even though the pairing is decided, I'm still walking that line between pre-slash and slash in the final story. I've got one line in my head. The earlier in the story Gibbs says the words, the slashier the story will be but right now I'm thinking of it as an ending line. We'll see what happens.


ncisrox January 23 2016, 17:50:23 UTC
I can't wait to see which way you take it. You've done a great job of conveying everything in very few words. It's so good!


honor_reid January 22 2016, 23:50:09 UTC
This was so good. I loved your descriptions I could really imagine the scenes as I read. I was so relieved that Tim was back with his team.

Gibbs giving away how he felt about Tim was very well done. Really enjoyed the team's reactions.

Can't wait for the last part! Thanks!


emerald_green37 January 23 2016, 15:52:04 UTC
Thanks. As I was telling ncisrox, it's been a very organic story as far as character development goes. After writing so many large, planned out stories, this has been fun.

I loved writing those little moments of discovery.


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