Paradox of Love 17/17

Feb 26, 2014 18:30

The first thing Tim did when they got back to the cabin was to start washing the clothes, towels and bedding. There were enough sheets and towels that one load wouldn't be quite enough, so he decided to do their clothes as well to make two complete loads. Tony stood in back of him, his arms around Tim's waist and watched the little washing machine ( Read more... )

threesome, ncis, slash, fiction, paradox, nc-17

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Comments 6

ahavia February 27 2014, 06:25:59 UTC
Happy, happy, joy, joy! And a confused Ziva also!


emerald_green37 March 7 2014, 20:55:18 UTC
Thanks. Always love a confused Ziva.


ncisrox March 6 2014, 01:06:37 UTC
Absolutely perfect final chapter. I can't wait to find out just what Tony and Tim still have to teach Gibbs. Bring on the sequels! Thank you for the wonderful story. I really enjoyed it.


emerald_green37 March 7 2014, 20:56:10 UTC
Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it. Several sequels are planned, but first I'm going to finish a few things.


ncisrox March 9 2014, 14:05:49 UTC
I'll be just as happy to read the stories you've got in process as I am any sequels. This, however is in my top 5 of your stories. Thanks as always for sharing your writing.


emerald_green37 March 13 2014, 05:27:42 UTC
Thanks. Got a new one started that is dealing with the loss of Jackson. I'm having so many problems posting on LJ right now that it's not going up here but it's up at, AO3 and NFA.


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