Ha! Love my Seahawks

Feb 03, 2014 10:23

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Comments 7

ncisrox February 3 2014, 18:29:29 UTC
You'll enjoy this, too... http://instagram.com/p/j7_uOwM1R6/


emerald_green37 February 3 2014, 19:47:55 UTC
I saw that on Facebook. Too funny. Between the fact that both Washington and Colorado have legalized pot and the blow-out that was the game, the memes are flying fast and furious and funny as all get out.


Not spam! ncisrox February 3 2014, 18:32:10 UTC
LJ didn't like my last comment, but I think you'll find the link funny. I may be an AFC girl (Jets fan),but I love Pete Carroll. We were rooting for you guys!


Re: Not spam! emerald_green37 February 3 2014, 19:49:37 UTC
My husband took our son up to Seattle to watch the Seahawks, so I have a soft spot in my heart for them even if I'm not a huge football fan. That game, though... wow.


Re: Not spam! ncisrox February 10 2014, 05:59:11 UTC
That's an excellent reason for a soft spot! I live just a few miles from where Shea Stadium was located before it became Citifield. That was the Jets home stadium when I was a kid. I have very wonderful memories of my dad having two season tickets and five kids so he'd spend the season alternating which kid he would take to the home games. He would park on College Point Boulevard and walk the last half mile or so with the lucky kid on his shoulders and then use the money saved on parking to spoil us during the game.


hawk_soaring February 4 2014, 00:51:17 UTC
LOL That has to be the best thing I've seen all day.


emerald_green37 February 4 2014, 03:26:07 UTC
Yeah, I've been laughing at this since early this morning.


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