Camping with Gibbs 08/?

Jan 02, 2014 17:41

"Where are you going?" Fornell had woken to the sound of Gibbs getting up and now the man was tying his shoes.

"It's cold."

"You're cold? You?"

"No, not me."

"Then who?" Fornell knew immediately and answered his own question. "They're fine, Jethro."

Gibbs continued to dress, bundling up in his coat and gloves, without saying a word.

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ncis, gen, humor, camping, fiction

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Comments 6

ncisrox January 3 2014, 03:25:28 UTC
Already making a dent in your very aggressive writing goal for the year, I see! I do so love this story an I'm glad to see it make a return. Funny to be reading about the freezing night when NY is in the midst of a blizzard and about to enter the coldest weather here since the mid-90's.

I love that Gibbs was worried enough to check on the boys only to finally discover all the secrets of their tent. I also love that Tim has the good grace to be sheepish when faced with Gibbs sarcasm while Tony lets it roll off his back, mourning the end of the marshmallows as though it's he worst problem a camper can face. Fornell's graceless entrance into the tent followed by his absolute incredulity is plain hysterical. I'm glad they are taking care of Kyle. I hope their honesty in filling him in doesn't turn out to be misplaced.

I'm so glad that you are updating again. Journal stalking makes me a happy girl! I'm glad your wrist is healed enough that you are writing again! I can't wait for whatever you have in store for us next!


emerald_green37 January 3 2014, 18:00:09 UTC
I had it almost done when I hurt my wrist, so this and the next chapter of Laboring were quick to get finished. Now if would settle down so the new chapters would show up.

This is one of my favorite chapters, so I'm glad you like it. I had a blast writing it.


honor_reid January 3 2014, 05:56:40 UTC
I was very excited to see this update. How awesome is Gibbs that he had to go check on his kids. It sounds like Tim and Tony are camping in the lap of luxury! I love that they are going to fill Kyle in.

Can't wait for more! Thanks


emerald_green37 January 3 2014, 18:01:12 UTC
Yep, the boys are just fine, but it was wonderful to see Papa Gibbs worry about them. And Uncle Toby, even if he won't admit it.


wingstar102 January 4 2014, 13:45:57 UTC
Damn, Kyle is seriously getting shafted by the whole mess. Poor guy. I'm really hoping Gibbs and the team can help him.

But Gibbs and Fornell are priceless. I can't stop laughing over the envy of Tony and Tim living it up, the other two none the wiser. Tony though, out of marshmallows. I can just see the look on his face when talking about it too.

Love this! Will beg and grovel for more!

Love and cherries,


emerald_green37 January 5 2014, 02:31:47 UTC
Yes, poor Kyle, but I had so much fun with Gibbs and Fornell discovering how the boys have been living it up. Glad it gave you a laugh, too.


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