Camping with Gibbs 4/?

Oct 31, 2013 15:57

"Psst... wake up ( Read more... )

ncis, gen, humor, camping, pg-13

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Comments 10

wingstar102 November 1 2013, 00:39:46 UTC
LMAO! I can only imagine what hilarious problem Fornell got himself into with that chair. And the guys' reactions are so going to be worth it. Great to see the team-family bonding that's going on too. Tony and Tim being sneaky is awesome too. Love this chapter and will beg and grovel in complete adoration for more!

Love and cherries,


emerald_green37 November 5 2013, 00:48:57 UTC
You just know he's gotten himself into a mess. Glad you're liking it. Next chapter goes up in a bit.


ncisrox November 1 2013, 00:58:51 UTC
Oh, Fornell, what have you done???? I love that the guys are planning to take a real vacation together. So nice, and Gibbs feeling parental guilt for not having done it before tugs at the heart strings. I love the reaction from Tony when Gibbs almost drank the wrong coffee, followed by Tim's easy fix to the situation. I really love the funny sweet tone you're striking with this one. I really need it this week.

Also, I love your new profile picture. Is it one of your paintings?


emerald_green37 November 5 2013, 00:51:33 UTC
I do love writing the family vibe once in a while, I'm glad it's helping during a rough time.

Actually, that's a reference picture for a future painting. LJ was acting weird for a few days so I was playing with settings to see if I could get back the look I was after.


ncisrox November 5 2013, 01:03:12 UTC
Yup, LJ and frustrating often seem to go hand in hand these days.

Very cool to see one of the "before" inspirations you're using.

And I agree, the "Gibbs as Dad" vibe is one that I love when written well, and when you are the author, I find that to never be in doubt.


emerald_green37 November 5 2013, 03:06:41 UTC
Oh, I know and DW is even worse all of a sudden. I used to post there and have it automatically cross post here so I didn't have to deal with it, but now I have no formatting over there. I'll probably play with it later, but I'm doing a big writing push again this month now that the BB story is done.

BTW, that story goes live on the 18th, which is my birthday. Kinda cool, I thought.


honor_reid November 1 2013, 17:46:02 UTC
I can only imagine what happened to poor Fornell!

Loving all the family bonding moments, that you included like Tim and Tony being closer because of all they have been through lately. Also that Gibbs, Tony, and Tim are all going to go camping together was so sweet. Really enjoying your story.



emerald_green37 November 5 2013, 00:53:06 UTC
Thanks, yeah, he's in a bit of a pickle. Next chapter in a few minutes. Gotta put in all the coding so I can post it.


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