Camping with Gibbs 03/?

Oct 30, 2013 07:32

Four hours later, Fornell was staring at a still empty fish bucket. "Are we sure this lake has any fish ( Read more... )

ncis, gen, humor, camping, pg-13

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Comments 4

wingstar102 October 30 2013, 14:53:12 UTC
LOL. That would be living the life right there. Love these guys but I think Fornell's reactions are the best. I know Gibbs will get his shocks soon. And yeah, taking the basics and experimenting just to give his Scouts a good time is so damn McGee. Will beg and grovel for more!

Love and cherries,


emerald_green37 October 30 2013, 16:35:05 UTC
They have having fun aren't they? Especially rubbing it in just a bit.

Chugging away on chapter 4.


ncisrox October 31 2013, 00:07:18 UTC
I'm having a really bad week, and this most certainly made a bad day better (my brother in law's brother was killed in a car accident. Today was the funeral. Just a sad week all around, especially for my nephews, who broke my heart today). I love how much Tony and Tim accomplished in the four hours they were left alone. Gibbs silent acknowledgement that he may have underestimated his surrogate sons made me laugh, and even the suspect noticing that the boys may have changed the game is so good. So, he's at his brother's campsite? Does that mean they've managed to stake out the wrong guy? And yet again, you've made me laugh just by the reactions of Gibbs and Fornell when they came back to find the boys so comfy cozy and dinner almost ready. I loved Tony asking Fornell if the cooking means he'll protect Tim from evil Aunt Diane. So good! I can't wait for more.


emerald_green37 October 31 2013, 15:13:34 UTC
Ah, hon, I'm so sorry for what your family is going through. It's tough on kids to lose someone. Glad this made you laugh.

Have they staked out the wrong guy? Good question, we'll have to see. :)


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