Different Ways to Breathe (Rise of the Guardians, Jack Frost/Pitch Black, R)

Dec 28, 2012 20:13

Title: Different Ways to Breathe
Fandom: Rise of the Guardians
Pairing: Jack Frost/Pitch Black
Rating: R
Word Count: 2552
Summary: Written for the DW kink meme: Jack doesn't breathe when he sleeps; Pitch can't help but find that fascinating.

Different Ways to Breathe )

pairing: jack frost/pitch black, fandom: rise of the guardians, rating: r

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Comments 8

hiza_chan December 28 2012, 20:33:18 UTC
Mmmmm, this was glorious.


emerald_embers January 4 2013, 16:07:57 UTC
Thank you :D. Oh, I ship it. I ship it hard.


qara_isuke December 29 2012, 04:52:01 UTC
Um.........yes please.


emerald_embers January 4 2013, 16:07:41 UTC
<3 <3 <3 thank you dear!


sofi_skoog December 30 2012, 07:24:19 UTC


emerald_embers January 4 2013, 16:07:18 UTC


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