The Death of Acting

Sep 24, 2007 16:28

I went on an IMDB rampage this afternoon after watching Chariots of Fire for the first time. Actually, I only made it through the first half. There was too much bloody period drama and not enough running. I was bored. That aside, I was reminded of John Gielgud, which had me racing to the internet, which was followed by looking up Richard ( Read more... )


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Comments 2

thistlerose September 25 2007, 01:51:14 UTC
Don't forget Paul Scofield. *loves*

I want to see Peter O'Toole win an Oscar. I mean...! What are they waiting for??


emelye_miller September 25 2007, 13:33:44 UTC
*headdesk* Forgot about him. And I don't know about O'Toole and the oscar. I'm worried those dicks in the Academy are going to consider themselves discharged having given him the lifetime achievement award.


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