Fellowship of the Nine 18/23

Jun 15, 2013 10:17

Chapter 18

"What did you see?" Sam asked and suddenly all eyes were on me.

"Nothing." I hurried to say and tried hard to look at nobody in specific.

"Luis." Sam stepped closer and with that one step he was the old Sam again, my friend. The Sam I'd gotten drunk with and with whom I'd shared memories about our first crushes.

"Luis, what did you see?" He ducked down to look me in the eye.

This was ridiculous. I hadn't seen anything. I'd thought I had seen something but it was impossible, just a trick my mind was playing on me. I licked my lips and was about to tell him anyway, tell him everything, when a whining noise pierced through the expectant silence. Something electronic like an alarm.
I'm not sure what happened next. With that noise Sam turned back to his brother but before he could even make one step he stumbled to the side and barreled into Eric. Both went down in a heap of limps and curses which came out of their mouths in white little puffs. Eyes on the two figures on the floor I didn't notice the other person right in the middle of us at first.

"You don't belong here!" A voice screamed and now we all noticed her. We stared at her, trying to figure out if what we were seeing was real. Looking at Andrea's face opposite to mine I was pretty sure she was seeing the same as I did but that didn't make it easier to comprehend. However, the attention of our guest wasn't on us. She was focused on Dean.

"You don't belong here!" She screamed again and when she moved she didn't use her feet. She just flickered a step closer to the couch where Dean was nearly falling off said couch in the desperate attempt to get to the shotgun. She was over him before he got it.

"You are not part of this." She grabbed him by the collar and easily lifted him to her eye-level. He struggled in her grip but despite the fact that she was smaller than him and that her hands shouldn't have the strength to hold him, he couldn't break free. He clawed helplessly at her fingers tightening around his throat. Even when she let go with one hand she still hold him up with ease. His back was pressed against the back of the couch so that the front feet of it lost contact with the floor and Dean's feet were uselessly searching for some purchase.

"You shouldn't have come." She said in a low voice and with a blink of an eye the machete was no longer on the table. Already stained with Dean's blood she raised it in the clear attempt to kill Dean. "You shouldn't have tried to save them. They don't deserve to live. They'll suffer. Nobody leaves."

I know I should have done something, anything. But I just stood there and stared. My mind couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing and I think it was the same with the others. We all stood with our mouths literally hanging open and stared at the horror in front of us. All but Sam.

"Dean!" He yelled and then things happened at the same time. With his brother shouting his name Dean stopped fighting and went limp. It didn't break her grip around his throat but he dragged her down with him so that she was now standing over him. The shot right next to me nearly deafened me and I wasn't the only one screaming in fear and surprise. Above our screams there was a piercing shriek and with one last flicker she was gone. The machete clattered to the floor and Dean gasped for air.

"Think we found our Casper, Sammy." Dean even managed a grin at his brother who was still on the floor. Laying on his front, propped up on his elbows he had the right angle to fire the shotgun without hitting his brother. My mind analyzed Sam's position while I still struggled to figure out what the hell had just happened.

"That was …" Brenda began but broke up with a questioning look around. We all had recognized her but the impossibility of the situation still stunned us.

"Yeah." Sam picked himself up but didn't seem as freaked out as we others. He crouched in front of Dean. "Let me see."

Shotgun still in his hand he examined his brother's throat. "Good to see you being strangled for a change." He smirked but seemed satisfied with what he saw. Dean batted his hand away.

"You can't always have all the fun." He rubbed the abused skin on his throat and swallowed experimentally. "You know our dead chick?"

Sam nodded but before he could explain farther Andrea had found her voice again.

"What the hell just happened here?" She asked in an alarming high voice, her breath coming harsh and quick, close to hyperventilating. "Sam?"

"Yeah, man. What the shit?" Eric looked around as if he expected for her to come back. Whatever and wherever she was now.

"She's gone for the moment." Sam reassured us but hold tight to the shotgun in his hand. It should look wrong, Sam with a gun, but it looked more like it was a natural part of him. He held the gun with years of experience and when he bent down the get the other shotgun which he handed to his brother it just completed the picture.

Still breathless Dean sat on the couch, injured leg stretched out and gun in his hand and Sam stood protectively in front of him as if he dared us or her to come near his brother ever again.

Coming out of our stupor we talked all at once, comparing what we saw and asking for answers but basically we just wanted someone, Sam or Dean, to tell us what the fuck just happened.

All but Cole. In silence he stood aside and seemed more in shock than we others.

When Sam raised his gun-free hand to silence us, his expression was cold and dangerous. I've to admit I breathed in relief when that gaze didn't settle on me. Instead Sam turned toward Cole and pinned him down with that murderous look of his.

"Cole." He said in a voice I'd never expected coming out of Sam's mouth. "Please, tell me you didn't dump her in the lake."

continue to chapter 19
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outsider pov, sam winchester, stanford friends, original characters, dean winchester, season 2

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