First of all, your votes...
x x x [ y o u ]
Name: Giuliana.
Age: 16.
Stamped as: Clarine~
[ g e n e r a l ]
What do you look for in a friend? Loyalty, trust, fun, and excitement. I want someone to agree with me on some things, but argue with me just for fun as well. And not get offended. Also, they should be able to be mean, insult people, tell the damn truth to someone’s face and NOT feel guilty over it. Buuuut they should have enough tact to know when to draw the line. Also, I’d like someone that’s laid-back.
What would you do if a friend betrayed you? I’d do everything in my power to make sure they suffer. Or curse them, whatever. At least until I get over it, which will probably take a while.
Mention one friend you'll never forget, and why? Probably my first real best friend. We don’t talk much now, but for a while we were inseparable. We’d do everything together, and although I often got jealous of her spending time with other people (even as a wee lassie), she’d always come back to me and tell me that she loved me.
Mention one comment from a friend you'll never forget, and why? “Get the fuck away from me. It’s creepy when you smile and laugh like that. I always think you’re going to yell or hurt something, even though I know you’re just thinking of something either really sexy or really violent. Or both.”
I dunno, I just seem to remember this one because I when I heard it I just laughed even more and told the girl that said it that they didn’t have to worry, I was plotting the death of someone she hated. Cue awkward-nervous laughter from both of us. We joke a lot so I know it wasn’t personal~
[ t h i s / t h a t ]
Leader or Follower? Begrudging follower or strict leader, either way I’d probably end up grating nerves. I’d prefer leader though.
Listening or Speaking? Listen, at least until I think something has gone horribly wrong, in which case I’ll speak up. Loudly.
Going out or Staying indoors? Indooooors. Definitely. Unless it’s really cold and quiet outside.
Partying all night or quiet evening alone/with someone? Quiet evening alone. I do NOT do parties unless there’s good food.
[ a s . a . f r i e n d ]
Do you prefer your friends to be like you or different? I’d like them to be similar to me, if only so that they won’t tell me I’m wrong. If they don’t agree then they have to be able to tell me, though.
Would you say yes to a favor before knowing what it is? Never.
When asked for advice, do you say what they want to hear or what you know they should hear? What they need to hear, no matter how harsh the truth is. I’ve never been good at telling people what they want to hear. And I’ll probably end up being really blunt about it.
Your friend tells you she/he is about to do something that you think it's stupid or simply suicidal. What do you do? Hit them over the head and tell them something along the lines of “No, you’re an idiot if you think that’s a good idea.”
Are secrets kept safe with you? If I like you, then yes.
[ y o u . i n . f i r e . e m b l e m ]
Imagine you were a happy little person living your own sweet life when your friend suddenly asks you to help him/her on something. That something involves a looong journey that'll take months and no promises you'll get home alive. What do you do? “I’m not dying for you, but I’ll do whatever I can.” I’d probably be over the moon at the thought of adventuring. Death… not so much.
In battle, would you rather stay a little behind, supporting your friend (either with healing/long-range attacks) or right by his/her side, fighting? Right by their side.
Name up to two Fire Emblem characters you do NOT see yourself getting along with: Anyone that’s not a complete idiot? I dunno. Largo and Orson, I guess. Those types, y’know.