Another meme

Feb 06, 2011 09:45

 The meme below, I ganked from shadowkat:

1. If you were able to visit one moment of history, when would it be? Would it be an actual event, or just to see the normal lifestyle?

I pondered this for a while....  And I think it would be a little bit of both:  I would like to go back and see an original performance of one of Mozart's Operas... with Mozart there.  Getting to see it in the 1800s in Prague (Don Giovanni), or Vienna (The Magic Flute), or where ever (it would all be good IMO)

2. Who are your favourite 3 pairings in Buffy?

Hard to pick...  I never found Buffy/Angel to be very entertaining (angst doesn't work for me), Buffy/Spike was better... but I liked Spike w/everyone (in fact I loved his little come on to Willow, wanting to bite Willow,  in Season 3 and again in Season 4).  I think I'll go with:

* Giles and Jenny
* Buffy and Parker (I can't help it, that really struck a cord!)
* Andrew and Warren (I know it was one sided, but I loved it)

Actually I think I liked Andrew and Spike in Season 7 a lot too... but then, I liked Spike paired with everyone!  lol

3. If you won the lottery (or were given a large sum of money) what one thing would you buy ... or do ... with your house? (eg a painting, a new table, a new ktchen...)

I don't own a house....  and of course it would depend upon how much $ we're talking here (I didn't spend my inheritance on a house).  But a really big windfall?  Like a good sized lottery winning?  I would totally buy a condo in NYC:  either on the upper West side or down near the South Street Seaport (if it had a view of the Atlantic...).  I would love to live on Manhattan!

4. If you could go to the Concert/Gig of anyone, alive or dead, who would it be?

Um, could we make it a different musical performance?  Because I also wish I had been able to see Kevin Kline and Linda Ronstadt in The Pirates of Penzance...  that would have been sweet.

5. Have you met any celebs, and if so, would you want to see them again?

I love getting to meet favorite writers and actors, but just for a moment to express how much I admire their work... and then I don't need to see them again.  Although I do enjoy getting to go hear them speak (not getting more autographs or photographs because one is always more than enough).  I love attending Q&As or lectures or any talk by a writer I admire.  I got to see:
James Baldwin read from his own work in Washington, DC
Joss Whedon answering questions (I didn't as one) at Chicago's Wizard World and San Diego's Comic Con
Neil Gaiman is a good talker (I saw him at Comic Con too)
Terry Pratchett is wonderful, I saw him at a book store signing and a Discworld Convention
Al Franken I saw read from his book 'the Things I Know' at a Chicago bookstore
Jane Espenson came and spoke at a Creation Convention in LA

and I love seeing actors on stage.  It is less exciting (to me) to meet them, although the photo or autograph is a cute souvenir in my scrapbook, but my favorite thing is to actually see them on stage in a live performance:
Kevin Kline in Hamlet and in Arms and the Man in NYC
Rex Harrison in My Fair Lady in LA
Carol Channing in Hello Dolly in Des Moines
Nathan Lane and Bebe Neuwirth in Addams Family in NYC
Kristin Chenoweth and Sean Hayes in Promises, Promises (although I would have rather have seen her in Wicked).

Rex Stout (author of Nero Wolfe mysteries) once joked that you should NEVER see an actor (or actress) from closer than the third row... and I actually subscribe to that, I don't want to be disappointed:  I want all my illusions kept intact!

It is a lovely sunny day here in Texas, I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

actors, pairings, meme

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