
Sep 23, 2010 19:48

angearia suggested a hug meme... so I'm posting my favorite BtVS hug and wishing lots of hugs to all my friends!

I'm sorry I couldn't get the video clip of this:

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btvs, hugs, meme

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Comments 8

angearia September 24 2010, 01:31:29 UTC
I love that one! I wish I had that as a GIF. ♥


embers_log September 24 2010, 01:58:16 UTC
well of course your GIF (when Willow is not really dead in Dopplegangland) is also absolutely a wonderful hug, particularly when Giles joins in and Willow can't breathe

... )


ancientgirl September 24 2010, 12:21:47 UTC
LOL, I love this one.


embers_log September 24 2010, 20:05:02 UTC
I was ashamed of myself for not having a lot of hugging icons (I have more cynical ones)...
but yeah, BtVS S4 was a favorite for me in a lot of ways....

how have you been lately? I hope you and yours are all well & happy!


ancientgirl September 24 2010, 21:38:04 UTC
We're all doing well thanks. How have you been?

I'm still trying to find another job. There's a job fair for a new store opening and I'm thinking of going to see if if might be worth it to get a part-time job. I am also thinking of getting into selling Avon, but I'm leaning more toward a sister company of theirs called Mark. I just have to find a way to make some extra money because I don't see this economy getting better soon.


embers_log September 24 2010, 22:59:32 UTC
At the moment I'm kind of exhausted... I moved back to Iowa to save money (and the cost of living is way below half of what it cost in the Bay area) but I couldn't control the fact that I suddenly need a lot of dental work done! In order to save $ I am getting the work done through the University of Iowa School of Dentistry, which is good: they are great, and cheaper than any private practice... BUT it takes forever! One tooth (admittedly a tricky one in the front, in terrible shape) took 3 1/2 hours! It looks beautiful, but I am totally exhausted.
I have to go back both Thursday and Friday next week, and I think this is going to kill me.

But you know what they say, if it isn't one thing then it's another.


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