TV Slut Meme

Jan 21, 2010 10:36

I got this from Shadowkat67, and I LOVE Television....
I'm putting the meme behind the cut:
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tv, meme

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embers_log January 21 2010, 17:39:11 UTC
Oh dear, I hope you don't love Michael Douglas.... I'm afraid that after seeing him in 'Fatal Attraction' and 'Wall Street' I started to see him as that guy... I had actually loved 'Romancing the Stone' but it got so I disliked too many of his movies and I started to avoid anything he chose to do... So if he were to decide to do TV? I would avoid that too ( ... )


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embers_log January 21 2010, 21:03:29 UTC
I can put up with quite a bit of unlikely (verging on fantasy) so long as the story is really involving... but the technical/procedural type cop shows are just never that involving....
I've tried to love Bones, but you know I never really loved Angel (until the 5th season when it really was doing a lot of new stuff)... I just don't find David B to be that compelling.

Not like Nathan Fillion who really has some layers even when doing the comedy silliness.

Re: Michael Douglas, I find it hard to believe he doesn't have choices; he is rich and powerful, it seems to me that he can make a movie that he wants to make... and he wants to make movies where he plays a powerful ass hole. Or at least he used to, now I think he just produces? I don't know. I don't care.


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