virtual reality...

Oct 17, 2009 04:04

 I am now a virtual resident of Fairfield, Iowa:  I don't have a residence   (just the pretense of staying at a friend's house), but I do have a storage unit for my stuff and a Post Office Box where I can get my mail.  I have my drivers' license, Iowa registration, and my library card; so as far as anyone can tell I live here now....
but in reality ( Read more... )

fairfield, obama, diwali, on the road

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Comments 4

ancientgirl October 17 2009, 16:50:59 UTC
I've been thinking about you for a while. I'm so glad you posted! Are you happy to be back in your old stomping grounds?

It's so nice to see a president who celebrates other cultures and religions.


embers_log October 18 2009, 00:05:24 UTC
Yeah, it seems like a simple thing... but it means a lot to people when the White House acknowledges their culture....

And yeah, I'm having fun in Fairfield, but I'm feeling a little worn out: I have gotten an awful lot done in just a few days. I'll head back to Texas on Tuesday to finish visiting the cousins, and then I'll be back here longer in November (it is a lot of driving, but I think it is worth it... I hope so!).


callmeserenity November 1 2009, 22:21:46 UTC
I think it's wonderful! Plus, I love Diwali!

I'm glad you've got a PO box now. Even if you aren't there, at least it's somewhere we can contact you. I'm a bit jealous of you right now, being a gypsy. I've always wished I could just take off, travel wherever. Maybe one day...


embers_log November 2 2009, 03:45:33 UTC
it has it's up sides (I love visiting everyone and I'm not spending very much money)
and it's down sides (I don't have easy access to my stuff, everything is disorganized and a little chaotic)

But on balance it is the right thing for now. I think.


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