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Comments 10

callmeserenity March 21 2009, 00:39:45 UTC
I'm really looking forward to tonight's episode, which I won't get to see until tomorrow morning whenever Hulu decides to put it up. One week it was nearly noon before the ep was up! I kept hitting refresh, it was driving me mad!

I like that that "actives" don't wear shoes when they're just walking around the dollhouse.


embers_log March 21 2009, 00:59:02 UTC
well I think it is that whole safe/spa setting - like if you are padding around at home....
and maybe they didn't think that bunny slippers would look sci-fi/edgy enough!
But I like the bare feet too... I'm barefoot at home most of the time, it shows a level of complete safety and total informality.


callmeserenity March 22 2009, 22:53:06 UTC
I'm like the asians. I take my shoes off when I get to the door and put on a pair of slippers or flip flops or something to pad around the house in.

So, what did you think of ep 6? I thought alan tudyk was going to be in it, so I was disappointed about that but otherwise, total kick ass episode that asks way more questions than it answered.

Also, I totally knew that about what's her face, the girl across the hall from Ballard. I totally guessed in ep 1. I'm a genius!


embers_log March 23 2009, 01:12:15 UTC
Oh you have to be careful! I had been been unspoiled (ie didn't know about Alan Tudyk) until I got spoiled at spacebook about a week ago)... you shouldn't say anything to anyone trying to remain unspoiled!

And yeah, I guessed had guessed about Mellie when we first saw her and her lasagna.... but somehow I forgot that I thought that, and was all upset that Joss was making us watch a rape scene... so that was a really awesome twist!

I loved LOVED the episode and I need to watch it again, maybe tonight!


(The comment has been removed)

embers_log March 22 2009, 01:26:25 UTC
of course not, Joss said it (down thread) here:


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