Dollhouse - SPOILERS!

Feb 14, 2009 09:02

 This post will contain huge spoilers for Dollhouse, so please do watch it first on Hulu or at the Fox HD streaming website....
(if you didn't watch it on air last night).

I will put all spoilers behind the cut:  I was thrilled when I saw the show, but that was last night, right after seeing it.
NOW I'm beyond thrilled: I dreamed about 'Dollhouse' and woke up thinking about the karmic implications. Echo (should I even think of her as Caroline?) was downloaded with a damaged/suicidal personality, it is like Eleanor Penn was hard wired to fail, so falling apart when she saw her 'ghost'/kidnapper was not surprising (Topher made a big mistake). But where did that strength to go beyond her programming come from? It is like Echo redeemed Eleanor's life, fulfilled Eleanor's life's goals. It really has some power over-tones IMO. I think there is a lot going on here.

I'm not sure everyone will see it like that, maybe you would only see it as Eleanor's bad luck that she never met up with her 'ghost' again, but clearly she did give up and commit suicide, but somehow Echo was determined to NOT give up, this desire to push forward in spite of her fears and weaknesses seems to me like a first clue to her true personality.

I loved boxing introduction of Tahmoh Penikett's character, Paul Ballard. Sure it was right on the nose, but that is not a bad thing for a brief introduction to an important character, and he looked really hot in the low slung sweat pants! Obviously the FBI story is an ongoing story arc, but happily it is not the only one.


Clearly the final scene of the man watching the video of Caroline, surrounded by dead bodies, is someone very dark and dangerous who is targeting Eliza Dushku's character... we will undoubtedly learn a lot more about this. Was this part of the reason she accepted becoming an 'active' in the Dollhouse in the first place?

I thought it was very interesting that the priorities of the Dollhouse were set as:
#1 they protect their active: they are protecting their investment, so each active is valuable to them.
#2 they protect their secrecy: they are willing to do whatever it takes to make sure the organization/technology remains secret
#3 they look after their clients, and in spite of the money the client is paying, they are obviously far less important in priority!

There was a definite hint of La Femme Nikita touched on at the beginning, and I'm sure that that will pay off eventually....
I'm sure Joss will have his own twists to apply....

But basically I'm thrilled, I felt that they already put a lot in here.... obviously not everyone will agree with me. But I really think there are enough questions about what makes us who we are, and about responsibility/consequences of actions, to make this a really worthwhile show!

dollhouse, joss whedon

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