Home for Christmas

Dec 22, 2008 10:59

Well for me, where ever I hang my hat is home... so here I am!
I'll do jury duty tomorrow (seriously)
and then party with friends Christmas eve and on Christmas day...
but we have friends w/a Christmas wish:

image Click to view

So do give some love to everyone who is not safe at home this Christmas!

youtube, christmas

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Comments 5

ancientgirl December 22 2008, 19:05:43 UTC
Very cute video. I loved the squirrels with the saxes.

I hope you have a great Christmas.


embers_log December 22 2008, 19:10:10 UTC
I like the off-beat Christmas message (although really they had a pretty good beat...), I got that one from Felicia Day who twittered the youtube like a few minutes ago...

I am sure I'll have fun, and I really hope you have a wonderful time and all your kitties love their goodies!


callmeserenity December 22 2008, 19:56:53 UTC
lol. That was too cute. I loved the mole doing "doo doo doo doo." Aww, all the animals without safe homes this Christmas. I wish I could afford to help out some shelter animals.

I was at Petsmart the other day and they have those cages with cats in them by the exit. There was this very handsome white and orange guy named Pumpkin with orange eyes. It said on his little paper that he was returned because he was "too friendly" with the kids that had adopted him. All I know is that when I stuck my finger in his cage to give him a scratch, he licked it. What a sweetie!! I hope he finds a good home. If I could have, I would have taken him with me right then and there.


embers_log December 22 2008, 20:15:38 UTC
How can a cat be too friendly? *confused*


callmeserenity December 22 2008, 20:38:17 UTC
Yeah, I don't get it, either. Poor thing. He was a love. A complete love. And a short hair, which is always a good thing.


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