Christmas meme

Nov 29, 2008 16:50

 I got this from callmeserenity , who is a sweetheart but hasn't gotten the memo on me always sending 100% of chain letters and/or email to the trash...  but since she doesn't do this often I went ahead and brought it here to lj
(ie I'm not going to be sending this to anyone):

The Christmas meme )

christmas, meme

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Comments 10

ancientgirl November 30 2008, 01:46:11 UTC
I love watching A Christmas Carol. It's always been one of my favorite holiday movies.


embers_log November 30 2008, 01:50:31 UTC
Oh me too! There are a lot of version of that which I never get tired of, and I particularly like to go see it on stage (I love going to see the Nutcracker ballet too!).
Basically I'm into ALL the traditions... but I have gotten kind of sick of 'It's a Wonderful Life'
(great movie, but I've seen it too often)

And I still love the animated 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas' (see my icon)


ancientgirl November 30 2008, 02:09:33 UTC
I pretty much will watch any version of Christmas Carol, and I love those funky animation programs I used to watch as a child. You know the ones like Rudolph the red nosed raindeer?

I've only seen It's a wonderful life once, and I have to be honest with you, I didn't understand the hoopla. It's a good movie but I've never really been that into it.


embers_log November 30 2008, 02:19:29 UTC
when I first saw 'It's a Wonderful Life' it was in an art theater that showed old films, and I loved it; I cried like a baby....

Oh and I REALLY love Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol! That is always a favorite:

I think my favorite Christmas Carol is Alistaire Sim's (1951), but I also love George C. Scott's and Patrick Stewart's.... I'm less fond of Albert Finney's musical version (I think it was called 'Scrooge') or Billy Murry's up-dated 'Scrooged'.... although I've been known to rewatch both of them if I'm in the mood for holiday silliness.


callmeserenity December 1 2008, 14:09:43 UTC
I forgot about your email thing, I just thought you'd enjoy this one, it's fun and silly.

I love the animated Grinch movie, too.


embers_log December 1 2008, 16:14:52 UTC
But which Grinch movie, the live action one w/Jim Carrey (which I still haven't seen more than 30 seconds of)? Or the original animated TV show (which I adore and rewatch every year)? Not that I'm trying to influence your answer... LOL.

Actually a lot of my answers were not too different from yours...


callmeserenity December 1 2008, 22:15:56 UTC
the animated one, silly! The cartoon. I loves it.

The Jim Carrey one was too much for me, Jim Carrey is too much for me. If he had toned it down to about 50%, I might have liked it. I have a grinch icon somewhere...must find it.


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