Happy Festivus!

Dec 20, 2007 18:42

I have
a belated Happy Hanukkah for my dear friends....

I've forgotten how to celebrate Festivus (very likely Wikipedia can fill in the details) but Saturday morning at 6:08 am (GMT) is the Winter Solstice, which you know is the Reason for the Season, so I hope you'll all be celebrating with your loved ones!  And then will have lots of gifts on ( Read more... )

festivus, mozart, tom lehrer, solstice, christmas, jane austen

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Comments 9

Tom Lehrer anonymous December 21 2007, 19:27:02 UTC
Big LOL - a big part of my childhood...but hadn't heard this one..THX



callmeserenity December 21 2007, 21:26:05 UTC
Thanks for the Northanger Abbey link. I spent most of the day off and on watching it while printing and various other things. I loved it! And now I want it on DVD!!! I want to see ALL of them!


embers_log December 22 2007, 01:37:07 UTC
You'll probably find a lot at that youtube link, it is too bad that there is so much great British TV that we can't get here in the good old US of A. Well, I guess I should get get a 'all region' DVD player and spend the money on ordering things from over-seas, but it is preferable to get to see them before committing to buying them.
I'm glad I'll be able to buy these!


wildigital December 22 2007, 19:19:55 UTC
Actually the trio of Jane Austen films were done by ITV, the biggest rival to the BBC. Northanger Abbey was scripted by Andrew Davies, the same guy who did the Pride & Prejudice adaptation the revived the popularity of period dramas.

And yes, multi-region DVD players are good though check to see if your current one is (sometimes they can be made multiregion purely by remote control button presses).


embers_log December 22 2007, 20:54:58 UTC
yes, I should have noted that it wasn't BBC, ITV has been doing great work!
I'm afraid my DVD player is incredibly cheap...
and I've more than gotten my money's worth out of it,
I really should buy a new, much better, one....


wildigital December 21 2007, 23:06:27 UTC
Wonderful stuff - my teachers at Prep school used to play us albums by him. He's still got the same sharp wit and juicy choice of words, even when explaining why he doesn't use them to write satirical songs anymore: "I don't want to satirise George Bush and his puppeteers, I want to vaporise them."


embers_log December 22 2007, 01:32:06 UTC
Yes, Tom Lehrer was a brilliant Mathematician at Harvard, and just as brilliant at comic satire. I grew up loving his songs, and I have to agree that vaporising is the only suitable response to the current administration!


talimama December 22 2007, 05:00:17 UTC
Ahh, every Christmas I fall in love again with Tom Lehrer. Thanks for those links! I had no idea that YouTube had clips of him from his sixties performances, what fun!


embers_log December 22 2007, 05:54:33 UTC
well I believe these must be new, because I'm sure I search for Tom Lehrer's Christmas Carol once a year, and I've never found it online before...I've certainly never seen such a wealth of YouTube Tom Lehrer goodies before!
I had to commemorate by making a Tom Lehrer (poisoning pigeons) icon! LOL


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