JWC2013: signing up and further information.

Jun 30, 2013 15:20


wow um, that is just like me. I have completely spaced out on the part where I need to inform you all how to take part of this.
So, here is all you need to know.

If you have a Livejournal account, that's good. It makes it easier for all to refer to your post and the plus feature of others being able to leave comments on your entries. However, you don't really need to make one if you don't. Using any blogging platform is fine. Whether it is Tumblr, Wordpress or blogspot, or any other platform; that's absolutely fine.*

All you need to do is leave a comment on the original challenge post here. I've enabled anonymous comments, but you can also post it using twitter, Google+, etc... In the comment I need you to add a link of where you will be posting your challenge so that other participants can take a look at and enjoy your writing.

It would be nice if you referred to the original challenge post at the bottom or beginning of your entries, either with a simple hyperlink or by including this button. (using the html bellow) However you don't have to keep it up during the whole challenge.

Remember that you're free to interpret any prompt the way you like. Whether you wish to take a positive, negative, or even an indifferent outtake on any topic is entirely up to you. After all, it's your beautiful brain you're trying to express to anyone else's. So just enjoy it.

Now what?

Spread the word, post it on your own page, your twitter, or any social network you usually use. For tumblr users, you don't need to post it all over again (but if you do, it's no trouble) you can simply reblog this post here to your blogs and let others know.

http://i44.tinypic.com/9aptz7.png" border="0"/>

If you have any further doubt, feel free to post a question down in the comment box.

* If you're going to use Tumblr, I would really appreciate it if you tagged your posts with 'July Writing Challenge' or just simply 'jwc'. I am going to be tracking this tag from my own tumblr and it will be easier to get to see.

july 2013, writing challenge

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