Title: A Christmas Compilation
Characters: Everyone!
Pairings: Effy/Freddie, Naomi/Emily, Katie/Cook
Rating: M (for language)
Words: 5767
Summary: The gang on the lead up to Christmas
Disclaimer: Not my characters
A/N: This is unbeta'd so any mistakes are all mine. Contains speculation over S4, but as I know nothing, no actual spoilers.
With thanks to
shan_3414 as this is based on her Christmas prompt, from her festive mix which can be found
here if you haven't already got it.
Nothing had changed since Effy picked him. Freddie had waited and waited for the moment to come. It didn’t.
He’s torn still. He loves her, he must do, because what else could this constant aching be? But he hates her for doing this to him, taking his life away from him. When he calls her she doesn’t answer - she’s never answered. He goes to her instead - he’s always gone to her. The walk to her house is long in the cold and dark night; his breath turns the air white.
When it comes down to it she’s blunt, the sting sharp.
Everyone always says to just rip a plaster straight off and it’ll be done with, it’ll hurt less and the pain will go away faster.
Everyone talks shit.
When Effy say she’s never loved him, she doesn’t believe in love (as if it doesn’t exist somehow because she’s decided she didn’t want it) Freddie wishes he were still outside, freezing and unable to feel his body. He’s not though and the pain of it all is crippling.
Naomi’s never had a Christmas tree before. It doesn’t bother her; it wasn’t even an issue until Emily had found out.
“Never?” She had asked, not sure if Naomi is teasing her or not, because Naomi’s pretty good at it and sometimes she can’t tell.
“Nope,” Naomi answered with a shrug. “Not really into Christmas,” she said, in what could be the understatement of the year. Emily wouldn’t hear of it - it’s simply not possible for someone to not be “into Christmas”.
Naomi gets a call exactly one week before the day itself.
“Come to the door, yeah? I could really do with a hand,” Emily says, hanging up without waiting for a response. Naomi opens her door to see Emily lugging a tree behind her with the help of James. She tells him to fuck off once they’ve made it up the path.
“What? But you said you were gonna let me watch!” A few swift kicks to his shins later, he sulks off, his tail between his legs, leaving Naomi with raised eyebrows.
“I wasn’t actually going to let him watch, just the tree was really heavy and I needed some help. But, yeah, I bought you a tree, and I have decorations and -” Naomi cuts her off with a kiss, because sometimes her girlfriend can be really soppy and romantic, not that Naomi finds it cute or anything. Honest.
It takes hours to put up, though, that bloody tree does, and by the time its done Naomi’s remembered why Christmas is a pain in the arse. Emily’s looking at it with something akin to amazed wonderment, and fine, Naomi will concede that it’s nice, but it’s only a fucking tree.
"We can make our own decorations for next year, if you like?”
“Next year?” Naomi turns to stare at Emily.
"Yeah, you know, in our flat.”
"Our flat?” Naomi splutters. She’s only just got to grips with saying the word girlfriend without flinching and it seems like Emily’s taken that as a cue to assume life long commitment.
Emily miraculously manages to drag her eyes away from the stupid fairy sitting on the top of the tree to look at Naomi properly. “Well yes, we’re both going to London, it makes sense to live together, doesn’t it?”
“Emily, wait, its been like six months, can you not plan our whole fucking lives out?”
“It’s been practically a year Naomi, a year since you came round to mine that night. And don’t you want to live together?”
“I don’t know, Emily! I haven’t even thought about it, but it doesn’t look like I get a say, does it?”
“Oh, don’t be like this, you know it makes sense. It’ll save us loads of time looking for flatmates that we probably won’t like, and we’ll spend all of our time with each other anyway.”
“Be like what Emily? Be in control of my own life? You’re not my fucking keeper; you don’t get to make these decisions for me. Just fuck off will you.”
“Grow up Naomi,” Emily calls over her shoulder on her way out.
Fucking Christmas, it’s all just a pile of wank, Naomi thinks, as the door slams shut.
It’s the last day of college, and JJ is feeling depressed.
Not clinically depressed - at least he hopes he’s not clinically depressed, because that could only lead to more drugs and doctors, and JJ has quite a lot of those already and doesn’t think he wants any more - he’s just a bit sad, out here on his own. Freddie hasn’t been to college in two whole days and JJ doesn’t know why, because no one tells him anything, and Cook has been in detention all day, so JJ’s been alone. He wonders if this is how it’s going to go now that everyone is growing up, if all of his friends are going to move on without him and all he’s going to be left with is his magic. It’s fine - his magic is, but it’s not a proper substitute for real friends, and JJ doesn’t know if he still has any of those, because everything is still funny from last year, even though it should have been fixed when him and Freddie went and got Cook.
Cook interrupts his thoughts with a slap to the back. “Alright, Gay-J? What’s happening, man?”
"Hi Cook. Nothing. Nothing’s happening. I’m just sitting here on my own, working on my card tricks, by myself. Alone.”
Cook raises his eyebrows. “You on your period or something?”
"Cook, I have told you before, I am not female and I do not menstruate.”
Cook guffaws to this, and it’s quite frustrating sometimes, that Cook doesn’t listen to him and that he teases JJ for things that JJ most definitely does not do.
Cook nudges him. “Aw, come on Jay, give us a grin, I’m just having a laugh, eh? No harm, no foul and all that.”
"It’s not funny Cook. You can’t not be my friend for a day and then make fun of me. That’s not how friends are meant to work.”
Cook turns serious. “Yeah, all right. Sorry Jay,” he says as he throws his arm round JJ’s shoulder. “You’re my best fucking mate, you know that right? Better than Freddie at any rate. He’s doing my nut in. Fancy coming to see if we can’t force a few pints down that boring old wanker’s neck?”
It’s been over eight days and nine hours since they last spent time together, just the three of them, so JJ nods. Maybe he still has his friends after all.
England was supposed to be a better life for them. It had not been so.
His brother and sister did not understand why they were here. England had been a strange place, with a strange culture and strange people. It was unfamiliar for them. And now it was even more so with their mother gone. Thomas’ heart has felt heavy in his chest for days now. Perhaps this was in the plan for him, for them all. Thomas doesn’t know, but he trusts it to be so. He has to trust in something for strength. They need him to be strong now.
“Come here,” he beckons them over to where he is sitting. “Music, yes? Music will help.”
There had been a rule his mother had put in place - English only in the house; at least until the little ones had learned. Thomas may be the head of the house now, but he wasn’t going to defy his mother’s wishes. He starts tapping out a slow beat on his drum. Music - this was a language they could all understand. So he plays for them until they sleep. Until his arms ache. Until the tears stop falling from his eyes.
Until the morning breaks.
Effy didn’t like feeling the way she did. Normally when she’s out of control it’s because she let herself be out of control - that’s fine. She can handle that because she has power over that. But relying on someone else? Needing someone else? Effy didn’t like that at all. So she stopped it. Took it back from him.
“Eff, you look sad. Don’t be sad, it’s Christmas time! You have to help me make this crimbo party, it’s an effing lot of work it is.”
“I’m not sad, Pandora.”
“Super. I don’t like it when you blubber. You can help me then, yeah? I’ve told my mum that you’re taking me to midnight mass so she won’t mind that I stay at your house, and Cook said that Uncle Keith will let us have space in his pub, and we have to make hats, and banners, still. And music, we need some music for dancing, and you can pick some songs, but they can’t be too miserable, cause we can’t go making the Baby Jesus cry on his birthday. Blinking heck, there’s still a load to do!”
Effy lights a fag, closes her eyes on the first drag. “You’re a good friend Pandora, do you know?”
Pandora smiles back so openly that Effy almost baulks at its honesty. She puts herself out there, so Pandora does; will let her feelings be known to everyone, ready to be chopped down. It’s either extremely stupid of her, or extremely brave. Effy has a rough idea which.
“I have some pens in my room, for the banners.”
“Whizzer, I’m so loop de loop excited Eff!”
Freddie can’t even be bothered to look at porn. That’s how he knows it’s bad. He has some weed instead. It should numb things, it should blur the edges, but it doesn’t. It just focuses his attention on what needs numbed.
He can see the key, hanging by the door, and doesn’t he just feel like a total cock now. It should have been one part of The Best Christmas Present Ever. It was thoughtful and meaningful and Freddie was pretty proud of himself when he came up with the idea of giving Effy a key to his shed. He knows things are shit at home for her sometimes and she could have come over whenever she wanted and they could have hung out. It was symbolic more that anything, because he never really locks the shed, but still. It had meant something. Not anymore, he thinks bitterly as he lights another spliff.
He tries not to close his eyes when he takes a hit, because all he can see when he does is her eyes. Blue and piercing and looking at him like it means something. And even though he’s only imagining them, and they aren’t really there, it’s still too much for him to bear.
He thinks he can hear Cook’s voice coming from the garden, and, only seconds later, both Cook and JJ are standing in his shed, looking at him pityingly.
“Aw fuck. Mate, come on. You need a drink,” says Cook.
Freddie shakes his head mutely. The last thing he wants is to venture outside.
“It’s bad then - I’d say it’s probably a level five,” JJ comments.
Cook crouches down on the floor next to him. “Look, Freds, it’s like a plaster, yeah? You’ve just got to tear it off real quick and then it’ll be fine.”
Freddie only just manages to hold back from hitting Cook square in the face. Not that he thinks he could have landed a proper punch after the amount of weed he’s been smoking, but still. What does Cook know anyway? He’s never been in love, he’s never been pissed on from above, and he’s never - shit. Freddie realises that he has. They all have. Freddie still feels like crap, but clearly he’s being a dickhead. So he’ll go to the pub with them, and he’ll get drunk there and mope with his friends instead of doing it alone in his shed. Maybe he’ll feel a little better.
He’s not sure if he feels better, but he definitely feels drunker, so maybe it’s all the same difference.
And he has his best fucking mates. His best fucking mates that he loves. And they fucking love him back. So Effy Stonem can go fuck herself, because he does not need her, not when he’s a musketeer and there are three of them and they’re all together. And Freddie thinks that he still has that receipt for that fucking jacket he bought her, so he can get his money back and it’ll be just like nothing ever happened and he can forget all about her and her stupid blue eyes.
Katie loves Christmas: the lights, the atmosphere, and - most importantly - the shopping.
She has a mountain of stuff to buy. Emily is getting a new top, something to show off her tits - just because she’s a muff muncher now doesn’t mean she should keep them locked up. James can have a DVD - give him something else to watch other that his sisters, the little fucking perv. She already knows what perfume she’s getting for her mum. Her dad is easy, a new water bottle and sports towel. Sorted. Normally at the end of that list is current boyfriend’s present. Not this year though. Katie always buys them the same thing anyway - some sexy underwear for her. Fuck it, she thinks, this entire year’s been shit. She’ll buy the underwear anyway. It can be her present to herself. She makes her way to buy it before she can think about how sad that makes her now that she’s buying herself presents.
By the time she’s ready to head home, the street is completely packed and she’s getting jostled from all angles. She can’t even see over all her bags - she might have bought a couple of extra bits and bobs that weren’t on the list, but they were definitely completely necessary.
“Get out of my way, tosspot,” she yells at the bastard in front of her, who seems to be deliberately walking extremely slowly in front of her.
“Get out of my way, tosspot,” he hears from behind him. He declines and instead walks slower. It’s funny, but only up to a point because that stupid woman is ramming bags right into his back now.
“Alright darling, keep your knickers on,” Cook says, before seeing who is behind the ton of bags and letting out a whistle. “Or take them off Katie, you know. I could help if you want?”
“Fuck off Cook,” she replies, but Cook is persistent, and that’s not going to put him off.
“What did you get me then? It better be good Katie, I have a great present for you,” he says with a wink.
“I didn’t get you anything, you tit. Piss of now, yeah?”
“Aw don’t be like that -” he starts, but then one of Katie’s bags splits and he breaks out into a laugh when he sees things spill all across the street.
“Fucking hell,” Katie sighs, bending down to pick up her stuff and Cook laughs harder. The glare she gives him is magnificent, and it kicks him into helping. They both reach for the bra at the same time, and their fingers meet.
“Shit, your hands are like ice.”
“Yeah, well it is fucking freezing isn’t it,” she says, snatching her hand back and stuffing the bra in a more sturdy bag.
“I know plenty of ways we can warm up,” he says with a grin.
Katie looks at him disbelievingly.
“You are a dirty, dirty girl, Katie,” Cook says, shaking his head, “I mean a hot chocolate, alright?”
“Oh,” she says, but she sounds a bit suspicious. “Well, I’m meeting Emily later, so I don’t really have time.”
“I make a fucking good hot chocolate. I’ve even got marshmallows.” He wiggles his eyebrows.
Katie looks at him long and hard before sighing and throwing some bags towards his chest. “Carry these then.” Cook obliges with a smile. He knows he’s in, because no girl has ever been able to resist his hot chocolate.
It’s the first snowfall.
Thomas has never seen snow before. He thinks it’s a bit peculiar, this cold rain that stays solid on the ground. He can’t understand why it makes people happy, but he notices that it does. They throw it at each other and shriek and yell and laugh. He wonders if it will work for him, this magic powder that spreads joy. He wants to try; he’ll try anything.
“We are going outside, go and get your coats,” he tells his brother and sister.
They look a little afraid of the blanket of white, grabbing a hand each and gripping tightly, but they follow him anyway. It’s odd at first - the sensation of walking on snow, how it crunches underfoot, but it soon becomes a reassuring sound with every step they make. The hands loosen their grip on his, eventually let go completely and explore this new environment, their footprints leaving tracks behind them in the ground. Their laughter is infectious, and soon Thomas too is laughing as he watches them play.
The snow starts to fall again, and a flake lands on his cheek. As Thomas looks up to the sky he thinks that Christmas can indeed be a magical time, a time that can make hearts feel lighter.
They’ve never fought before. They’ve argued, obviously, because Naomi can’t help herself when it comes to a debate, but they’ve never been properly angry at each other.
Emily doesn’t know what she’s going to do if this is it. Everything in her life was working toward this point, to being with Naomi. It was going to be their first Christmas and it was going to be perfect until that stupid fight. It was a stupid fight, Emily knows, but she doesn’t want to back down, because she was right. It makes sense for them to live together, they’ve spent most of the last six months pretty much living at Naomi’s together anyway, so where’s the difference? She would back down though, if Naomi needed her to, which is why this is so frustrating. She doesn’t need to live with Naomi, she just really wants to, and she thought that Naomi wanted to as well.
Maybe that’s that done with then. Naomi can forget about this new leaf where she had to tolerate other people and their feelings and go back to just managing her own. The tears roll down her cheeks without permission. Bloody hell, she’s not even sure if she can; maybe Emily’s opened the floodgates and that’s her ruined now. It’s not that she doesn’t want to live with Emily. It’s that she hasn’t had a chance to think about it. There’s so much that’s happened this year, with university applications, and interviews, and their exams still to come, and it’s all happening too fast for Naomi. If Emily had just given her a chance to think about it, for them to talk about it, it could have been different.
When Katie wakes up, it takes her a few minutes to realise where she is.
She’s alone in the bed, Cook’s clearly fucked off until she’s left. She sighs. They’d drank their hot chocolate Irish last night. It had seemed like a good idea at the time, she’d had fun with him, surprisingly, and it had made sense to kiss him when she was drunk. Feels like a mistake now though, and Katie has made enough of those to recognise one. Cook? Urg. And what’s worse is that he’s gone now, obviously too embarrassed to see her in the morning. She’s in the middle of getting dressed when Cook comes back in the door, with two steaming mugs in his hand.
“Fuck!” Katie says, covering herself with the duvet.
“Don’t mind me princess, ain’t nothing I’ve not already seen,” he says with a wink.
“I thought you’d gone.”
Cook’s face turns solemn. “I don’t know who you’ve been with before, but the Cookie monster is a gentleman, right? I don’t shag and run. Anyway, I brought you some tea,” he offers her a cup.
What’s even worse than everything else is that it’s the nicest a guy has ever been to her after sex.
Naomi heads over to Effy’s with a bottle of vodka in her bag. She knows there’s only one way to make Christmas better, and that is to be so fucking drunk through the whole thing that you don’t even notice it happening.
Effy opens the door with a cigarette already lit and dangling from her fingers. When Naomi presents the vodka to her she nods, just the once. “Good.”
They lie on Effy’s bed, alternating between taking drags on their fags and swigs of the drink straight from the bottle.
“It’s a stupid fucking holiday anyway. It’s too commercialised. Some baby was born over two thousand years ago, so we should all buy each other some crap? Bollocks,” Naomi takes another gulp. “Anyway he was born in fucking spring, else how was there lambs there? It’s a total joke. If I have to make the fucking dinner then I swear I’m doing lamb casserole.”
Effy’s staring at the ceiling, blowing smoke rings into the air. “Tony’s going to his girlfriend’s house. I’ve got to sit through a dinner with my mum and dad sniping at each other because they couldn’t decide who got me for the morning and who had me for dinner. They’re sharing,” she says with an eye roll.
“Shit,” Naomi says with a sigh. “We can swap if you’d rather? All my mum does is preach about those that don’t have anything at this time of year. Honestly, why does it matter that they don’t have anything at Christmas? They don’t have anything all year long, that’s what we should be worrying about. If I have to listen to that bloody ‘Do they know it’s Christmas’ song one more time I might have to stab myself in the eye.”
Effy smiles, almost. “No thanks,” she says, reaching for the near empty bottle.
It’s only been five days, but Emily misses her to the point that she wonders about her own sanity. She doesn’t want to eat, she can’t sleep and the television is unappealing with all its romantic holiday themed comedies. She has nowhere to go and no one to call.
No matter what she tries to think about, it always goes back to Naomi. What Naomi would think of this, what she would say about that. Emily just wishes they could make up already. She doesn’t care what it’ll take - she’ll do it. Naomi’s phone is ringing out though, and she hasn’t got her answer phone switched on - not that Emily thinks she would know how to get at her messages anyway, even if Emily could leave her one.
She looks at her own family tree that she and Katie had decorated together. Well, Katie had overseen the operation, and Emily had been the one to actually do it all. It’s flawless, with its red and gold colour scheme, and star perching on the top. Not like the tree at Naomi’s that had a combination of silver, purple, green, blue and pink colours, far too many lights everywhere, and tinsel draped generously all over it. Naomi’s tree was perfect though, in its own garish way, because they had done it together. Emily wishes she could go and see it again.
“Come on, silly, hurry up. You have to help me pin this banner.”
“I’m not sure that people will need to be reminded that this is a Christmas party Pandora, it is quite evident from the time of year that on Christmas Eve the party would be for Christmas time.”
Pandora frowns. “Yes, but they won’t know that it’s a Super Christmas party without the banner, will they?”
“Oh, yes. Good point. But what makes it super?” JJ asks.
“Well it’s all of us together, and there’s party games. No twister, not this time,” she adds with a blush, “but there’s pin the nose on Rudolph and there’s charades, that’s the best one at Christmas, I’ve already got a wicked load of ideas. So it’ll be super, see?”
“Oh. Ok then. It has to be parallel to the other sign though, otherwise everything will look wrong.”
“Wait, what’s parallel mean?”
“It means that two lines in a plane must never intersect one another,” JJ explains.
Pandora looks blank; she doesn’t have the foggiest clue what flying has to do with banners, but JJ is a real smarty pants, not like Pandora who can still be quite useless, and she’s sure he knows what he’s doing. “Ok then,” she says cheerily. “We can do the hats next or we’re going to be galloping out of time to get finished.”
Everyone gets there late. JJ knows, because he timed them.
Thomas arrives first, or third really, because Pandora and JJ are already there, but he’s only seven minutes late. He gives Pandora a brief smile before sitting down next to her. Katie and Emily come together three minutes after that; Katie ignores him, but Emily says hi. Next to arrive is Cook and Freddie, a further eleven minutes behind the twins and Cook is roaring with laughter and Freddie is shaking his head, but smiling, so that’s all fine then. Last to come, a total of twenty-eight minutes late, is Naomi with Effy, and that’s when JJ realises that it’s a bit uncomfortable, them all sitting together now.
He asks if anyone else notices the awkwardness, or if maybe it’s just him doing his weird social thing again and not understanding what is happening, but all he gets in response is stony silence and some glares.
Pandora looks around them all in a panic and declares that they must do the crackers and then they can get their hats on, and then it’ll be time for charades. JJ counts one smile, two eye rolls, three vacant expressions and one cheer.
“I’m well up for this sweet cheeks, but I think we’d better get a few rounds down us first, yeah?” Cook says and even JJ can tell that the relief from around the table is palpable.
Cook necks the remainder of his pint before going over to speak to her. “Hey.”
“What do you want?”
“Aw, play nice Katie, I brought you a present and everything, but if you’re going to be like that then maybe I won’t give it to you.”
Katie rolls her eyes. “If it’s your cock then I’m not interested.”
“No need to tell porkies, Katie. Anyway, you can have that anytime you want it, yeah? So, no, its not my cock, but it’s almost as good.” He laughs at the conflict written all over her face.
“I don’t want anything from you,” she says sullenly, crossing her arms.
“Too bad, cause it’s a pretty top present if I do say so myself.”
“If I take it will you fuck off?”
Cook hoots and hands over a parcel. “You’re too much sometimes, do you know that?”
Katie fixes him with a fierce glare as she rips open the wrapping paper. She looks at the gift, holds it up so she can see it properly.
Cook feels a bit embarrassed now, scratches at the back of his neck. “Gloves,” he explains. “For your hands, you know? They were cold and you didn’t have any, so,” he shrugs, looks at the floor.
“Right,” Katie says quietly. “Thanks, I guess.”
“It’s fine. You and me, you know? We should get together. It could be proper good.”
Katie looks down at the gloves in her hand and smiles. “Yeah, it could,” she says, before pulling his neck down and kissing him full on, to jeers and wolf whistles from the rest of the pub, and a gruff shout of “That’s my Cookie boy!” from Uncle Keith.
Katie is getting really pissed off with Emily moping next to her.
It’s properly cramping her style having her depressed sister sitting next to her while she’s trying to make out with Cook.
“You’re putting a right fucking downer on my night, Ems,” she tells her. “Will you either cheer up or go and talk to her? It was only one fucking fight after all. Christ, me and Danny used to fight all the time, like proper fights, and we’d still make up.” She looks over to Naomi, on the other side of the room. “And you know, it’s love, isn’t it? You and her, I mean. She looks even more miserable than normal without you.”
“Yeah? You think so?” Emily asks, sounding hopeful.
“Fucking hell Emily, will you look at her? She’s nearly as bad as you are, she’s propping that bar up single-handed, and don’t even get me started on what she’s wearing. Normally it’s pretty bad, but this? It’s something else entirely.”
“She does look sad doesn’t she? I’m going to go over. Thanks, Katie,” Emily says, with a kiss to her cheek.
“Whatever,” Katie waves it off. “I hope you’re not expecting a present now. This is it, yeah? Merry Christmas and all that.”
Emily smiles at her, before turning and heading toward the bar and Naomi.
Katie wonders how the universe is going to reward her for this, because she’s clearly The Best Sister In The World, making such self-sacrifice for her sister’s happiness. Cook pulls her out of her thoughts by grabbing her round the waist and nuzzling his face into her neck. Oh. That might be it then.
Emily approaches her tentatively. “I bought you a present,” she says, indicating the package she’s holding in her hand.
Naomi conveniently forgets that Christmas is an overly commercialised holiday and that it’s completely shit. “Yeah?”
Emily smiles. “Yeah, of course.”
“I bought you one too,” Naomi admits and Emily looks extremely relieved.
“I’m sorry -” they both start at the same time, and then they both laugh nervously.
“I was a prick, ok?” Naomi says. “I really, really, want to live with you next year. Please don’t make me put up with any insufferable politics students, I’d lose my fucking mind.”
“Does that mean that I’ll have to put up with an insufferable politics student then?” Emily replies, and Naomi can breathe again, because she’s grinning and it’s completely brilliant.
“Don’t worry, you’re getting the best one,” she says, pulling Emily closer to her, trapping her between her arms.
“Mm, a modest one at that,” Emily says, before kissing her, and fuck if Naomi doesn’t think this is the best, most clichéd Christmas present ever, and that stupid book she bought for Emily won’t even come close.
Cook tries not to watch from across the room, knows that he should be concentrating on Katie running her fingers across his back, but there are two girls kissing at the bar, and one of them looks a lot like the one that he’s just been pulling, and maybe if he gets them drunk enough they’ll let him watch and it will be The Greatest Fucking Thing Ever. He’s brought back down to earth with a slap on the thigh.
“Oi. You’re going to get drool on me if you keep staring like that.”
“Right, yeah, course, but they’re over there getting it on and, no offense babe, it is quite distracting, you know?”
“Do you want to watch, or do you want to do?” Katie asks and Cook grins.
Doing is always better than just watching.
It’s not bad, Pandora thinks, this party that she’s done.
And ok, it took awhile before the proper Christmas spirit - Effy called him Jack Daniels, but Pandora has never even heard of him, maybe she’s getting confused with Jack Frost - worked, but it got there eventually and that’s what counts. Everyone is laughing and smiling and wearing their hats, and her and Thomas are ok again, and he smiled at her once more so maybe it can be fixed, all of that sad stuff from before.
Maybe Christmas isn’t so bad after all, Naomi thinks. Not if it can make her feel like this and make Emily look at her like that. Naomi can’t wait till they can leave this fucking party, because there are several things that she can think of that would be a far better use of her time than pinning the nose on a fucking reindeer.
This is the best game ever, thinks Pandora, as she peels off the blindfold to see that she’s put the red nose right on Rudolph’s bum and it looks like a massive spot and it makes her laugh hysterically.
Thomas smiles as he watches Pandora play her game. She has a good and pure spirit really and he misses her laugh, which always makes his heart sing. He thinks they could be friends again.
Katie’s pleased she bought that sexy underwear after all, because it looks like she has someone to give it to now, given that Cook’s arm has been clamped round her waist for the last hour and a half.
Freddie feels good. Even if Effy is sitting only a few feet away, he has JJ next to him, and Cook’s on the other side of JJ and as long as he has his mates then it’s all going to be ok.
This has the potential to be The Best Christmas Ever, Emily thinks, with Naomi’s hand in hers and grins plastered on both their faces. She tugs on Naomi’s arm, drags her neck down. “Toilets, now,” she whispers in her ear, before planting a kiss on her cheek and pulling Naomi up on her feet.
Effy watches them go with a head tilt. Cute, she thinks, and she’s glad, that Christmas is working out for them. Panda’s party has gone well, and Effy will tell her that in the morning after she’s told her that Thomas is interested in her again.
Cook’s seen them go as well. Nice, he thinks and sneaks a glance at Katie, wonders if she’s up for a bit of bathroom action as well.
It’s great, everyone together. They’re a real family, JJ thinks. He stands on his chair and spreads his arms wide. “Merry Christmas, one and -” but he doesn’t manage to get finished, because Cook pushes him off with one hand and he lands square in Freddie’s lap.
“Don’t be a dick, Jay.” Cook tells him.