Title: Report Taking 101 Pairing/Characters: Don, Coop Rating/Category: PG -13 for language Word Count: 300 Spoilers: Manhunt Summary: Don and Coop finish their first case as partners Notes:
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I can just see Coop, pen poised over his list of 'things to do' and wondering if he can get away with adding 'sex with the rookie' under 'teambuilding'...
I can't get my eyes off of your banner^^ It's so big with "Dexter" *loves*
lol, nice isn't it I have a 23'' wide screen on the upstairs 'puter too... and the banner you made does look good......
to answer your question no this is not a prequal but it could be.... I'd like to do some prequals at some point. and yes I was very lonely without!!! welcome back!!
Comments 23
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thank you!!!
I have visions of Coop listing every single bad habit he can teach the rookie...
I can just see Coop, pen poised over his list of 'things to do' and wondering if he can get away with adding 'sex with the rookie' under 'teambuilding'...
I would work it in...
I love your drabble, I'm sure Don will learn very fast... This is a prequel to your threesome fics? YOu'll write a sequel?
I was a little off the net, I missed you all.
lol, nice isn't it I have a 23'' wide screen on the upstairs 'puter too... and the banner you made does look good......
to answer your question no this is not a prequal but it could be.... I'd like to do some prequals at some point. and yes I was very lonely without!!! welcome back!!
Do you have Windows Vista on your computer? This isn't compatible with some of my programs *pouts*
You have a 23" wide screen? So cool!
YEah we have a puter in our bedroom, that is a media center. WE use it for TV and DVR shows too.
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