Title: I Never Meant for This
Genre: Drama/Angst
Rating: Fiction Rated: Pg-13 ( to be on the safe side)
Summary: When an old friend reappears in Don's life her secret comes to light, one that he should have been told years ago.
Disclaimer: Yeah i own some dogs toys but really they're the dogs,so i guess i own nothing.
A/N: Special thanks to my beta bubbleslayer and LemonPOPTart my sounding board.
Thank you all for your kind reviews. I am glad no stones were throne at me. This has been a read hard story to right for the fact I am trying to do this well. So chapters take a little longer as I work them out with the betas.
Take care. Chapter five maybe this weekend.
link to chapter 5
http://elysium1996.livejournal.com/19027.html --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Colby walked into the break room and nodded to David.
David poured a cup of coffee and handed it to Colby.
Sipping the offered cup Colby grimaced, "Man, what's up with Don today? He's been on my case all day, and I even think he made one of the new support staff cry."
"No idea, man. No idea." David shrugged, "I've just been keeping my head down and making no eye contact."
"Sounds like a plan."
Megan poked her head in, "Hey guys, Don want to meet in the war room."
Colby groaned, "Oh, so he can tear us apart?”
Megan slightly smiled, "Yeah, he's been a bit of a bear all morning."
David raised an eyebrow, "A bit? More like a grizzly attacking picnickers in its territory."
Megan said, "Don't worry, I'll talk to him and calm him down enough so he won't make you cry Granger." With a chuckle Megan left.
Megan stood outside the war room and watched Don for a moment. He was looking, no; he was stalking the photos that they had posted. His whole posture and mannerism hummed with anger. She wondered if he and Charlie had gotten into a fight, or maybe something was up with Liz. She shook her head. She knew about Liz and Don. How could she not? Everyone knew, but along with everyone else Megan respected their privacy and never mentioned it. Taking a deep breath she stepped in and closed the door gently behind her.
Don, seemingly absorbed in whatever was on his mind, didn't turn to address Megan but instead said, "Megan, if you have something to say, just say it."
Megan schooled her face of all emotion and replied, "What makes you think that I have something to say?" She held a large manila file in front of her stomach.
Still with his back to her Don said, "’Cause you always have something to say."
She snorted, "Yeah, well, it's part of the package deal with me. Seriously, I don't want to pry or anything, but if you want to talk about anything you know you’ve always got my ear."
He finally turned to look at her. She read the look on his face before her masked it. She thought that he might rebuke her but instead he answered, "Thanks, I know I can and I may take you up on the offer. But for now I need to sort it out myself."
Megan gave him a small smile and nodded.
"Yeah, and you can tell the others that I won't take any limbs today. But no promises for the future."
"I'll pass on the message," she said as she stepped out of the room.
Don watched Megan leave. He leaned back on one of the desks and rubbed his temples.
After leaving the restaurant he drove had driven around as if he had no place to go. His phone had trilled from both his brother and father calling him. He’d ignored every call, even one from Liz. He hadn’t known what to say. He’d been so angry and shocked about it. Finally he’d felt like he might fall asleep at the wheel so he’d driven himself to his apartment. Once in he had collapsed on the couch and fallen into a fitful sleep.
He’d heard his alarm go off at 6:00 AM the next morning rousing him out of a disturbing dream that dissipated as soon as stretched awake. He’d showered and dressed in record time and went to lose himself in work. Having arrived before most of the others, he’d started processing paperwork and sorting through intelligence briefs. He’d watched several people come in until he’d seen Mia arrive to conduct the last day of seminars. His eyes had briefly met hers before she turned on her heel back towards the ladies room. The rest of the day he’d spent biting off everyone's head that came within a ten-foot radius of him.
Letting out a heavy sigh, he decided to grab some water from the break room, when he saw Mia standing in the doorway. His eyes hardened as he stared her down.
She cleared her throat before speaking, "Don, I know you don't want to see me, let alone talk to me….”
He snapped, "You got that right."
"I just wanted to give this." She held out a small pink box about a foot in length. When he didn't reach out to take it from her she placed it on the closest table. She looked at him one more time before silently leaving the room. Rubbing his jaw he picked up the box and threw it in the trash. He stopped a few feet away before silently cursing to himself and retrieving the box. He opened the box and peered at its contents. Tucking the box under his arm he went to his desk, grabbed some files and his jacket. He turned to Megan and said, "I am heading over Charlie's. Call me if you need me." He left before she had time to reply and headed towards the elevator. Outside of the office he saw Liz approaching. She gave him a smile and he smiled back at her, 'Hey."
"Agent Eppes." She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, "I tried to call you last night."
"Yeah, sorry I didn't get back to you."
She shrugged, "It's okay." Liz pointed to the pink box, "What's in the box?"
"Nothing. Something I need to take care of."
"Oh." She searched his face for a moment, "Everything alright?"
He replied, "Listen, I have to go." He squeezed her shoulder and said, "I'll call you later."
She nodded and gave him another smile, "Yeah, sure."
Don arrived at his brother's house. He called out to his dad and Charlie as he stepped in the front door. When no answer was forthcoming Don settled himself on the couch. He closes his eyes and willed his mind to calm. He saw the pink box out of the corner of his eye. He picked it up and set it on his lap and stared at it. On top there was an enveloped taped to it. He pulled off the envelope and pulled the note out of it. In flowing script it read:
I've been keeping this for you.
He crumpled up the note and tossed it on the coffee table. He looked down at the box again and where the note had been was the name Olivia Marie Glass and the date 11/30/03 embossed in gold. He ran his finger over the name and opened the box again. He began pulling out its contents. There were six DVD's in sleeves labeled with dates and events and a book that said Baby's First Years. He took out the book and began paging through it. On the first page were copies of a couple of sonograms, and a photo of Mia at nine months pregnant pointing at her belly in a hospital room. He flipped to the next page to several photos of Olivia at five minutes old being held by her mother and grandmother, and a couple of photos of her in the bassinette in the hospital. On the next page were foot prints of the baby along with a hospital birth certificate that listed his name as the father. Feeling angry at the whole situation he tossed the book back in the box. He crossly closed the lid on it and rubbed his eyes in frustration. He heard the front door open and looked over at his dad walking in.
Alan exclaimed, "Donnie? Everything all right? Your brother and I've been trying to reach you."
Shaking his head Don said, "Sorry about that Dad."
Alan crossed over to sit near Don. "Son? Do you want to tell me what's going on? I was concerned about you, after you left the restaurant.”
"Dad, it's complicated."
"I can imagine." Trying a different tactic Alan spied the book and the pink box. "Something for a case?" He gestured to the items.
Pursing his lips Don replied, "Nope, nothing that easy."
"I see. I know you're not big on talking about things but if you want to, you know I am here for you, always."
"I know Dad. I know that."
He nodded and began to get up, "Well, the offer stands for any time."
"Dad, wait." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "I have something to tell you.”
Alan settled back down on the chair, "Alright Donnie. I'm all ears."
Don unsure of the best way to do this, opened the box and handed his dad the photo book.
His dad gave him a puzzled look as he took the book and opened it. He flipped through a few pages before speaking, "This is the two women and the little girl from the restaurant."
"Yeah." He paused before speaking again, "I think that little girl….that Olivia is my daughter."
Alan's eyebrows shot up, "What?”
"Yeah, I mean, pretty sure. I mean, I'm gonna ask for a test, but Mia pretty much confirmed it." He continued, "And the one thing that Miranda Glass is not, is a liar." He stopped talked for a moment an added, “At least she didn’t used to be.”
"Donnie, this is unbelievable. Did you know?"
Don snapped back, "Of course not. Do you think that I would not say anything if I knew?"
"You're right Donnie. I'm sorry, that was thoughtless of me. Of course you would."
"It's ok Dad, I'm still in shock myself."
"Why wouldn’t she tell you?"
He shrugged, 'I really don't know. I couldn't even begin to imagine why not."
Alan flipped a couple of pages before asking, "What are you going to do? Are you going to get to know her?"
He sighed, 'I don't know Dad. I mean yeah. I just don't know how. I am so angry right now that I can't think straight."
"That's completely understandable Don. But, I just want to say that please, don't let whatever you may feel for this woman cloud what the best thing for you to do is. I know this is hard, and you missed a lot, but it isn't worth it." Alan flipped to a picture of Olivia from her third birthday and handed the book back to Don. "You've missed a lot, and I know you. You'll never forgive yourself if you do nothing."
Don looked down at the photo, "She's a cute kid isn't she?" He flipped to another picture and held it out for his dad.
"Yeah, she is. She really resembles you." Alan leaned in to look at the book "This book is very detailed.”
Don glanced at the book, "Yeah, it is. " He flipped through it a bit and found the page about Olivia's first birthday party, a party hat that had been flatten and affixed to a page, plus small squares of different wrapping paper. Next to it all was a photo of Olivia with cake all her face and hair with the party hat on her head cockeyed. Don let out a little laugh and showed his dad the page.
Alan laughed as he took the book from Don, "Reminds me of someone else who had birthday cake."
"Who? Charlie or me?"
"Well, I was gonna say your brother, but yeah, your first birthday you had cake everywhere, even up your nose."
Don barked a laugh.
"What else is in the box?"
Don pulled out the other items. "Uh, some DVD's, and a small photo album."
Alan was about to ask Don another question when they both heard the front door open and Charlie walked in.
"Hey Dad. Don, why are you here? I mean, not that you aren't welcome any time, it's just the middle of the day and all."
Don rolled his eyes, "Thanks Chuck."
Charlie waved his hand at his brother as he put down his messenger bag. “Anyway, what happened last night? You left without saying goodbye. Dad was worried about you, and so was I."
"Sorry about that."
Charlie peered at the items that Don and his dad had out, "What's that you got?" He glanced over at the book, 'Are those baby pics?"
'Yeah Charlie they are." He rubbed his jaw, "Listen I’ve got to tell you something."
Charlie's face showed concern, "Everything alright?"
"Yeah, sure Buddy. But I want to talk to you about why I left so abruptly last night."
Alan stood up, "Charlie sit here. I'll go make us some lunch and if, after telling your brother, you feel up to it, maybe we can watch one of the DVD’s."
Don replied, "Yeah, maybe Dad."
Alan gave his older son a reassuring smile before heading to the kitchen.
Don took a deep breath, "I found out some news that I want to share with you. How do you feel about being an Uncle?"
After eating lunch the three Eppes men talked a bit. Don reassured his family that yes he would ask for a DNA test even though at different times all three of them had expressed how much the three year old looked like Don. They also addressed some other questions like what Don should do. Don's cell rang from the office with an update on some follow-ups and Don needed to go back to the office. Charlie excused himself to the garage to prep some work for his classes the next day telling Don that if he needed him for anything case related or whatever, to just call him.
On his way out Alan asked, "Don, do you think you can leave the DVD's? I'd like to watch them."
"Yeah, sure." He handed them to his dad as he tucked the box under his arm and headed out the door.
Once in his car Don pulled out his cell phone and dialed the one person he did not want to talk to, but the one person he needed to talk to. It rang three times before she answered. He said, "Mia, it’s Don. We need to talk." He listened to her on the other line. "Yeah, that's fine. I'll see you at 7pm."