Since this issue can be discussed without having read the entire season - I decided to start a new discussion thread. I have added the entire issue with Full Pages after the panels
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I was going to read the comics. But then someone on EF mentioned the Angel/Twillight destiny sex/rape and I just couldn't. Then I heard about the Andrew robot Buffy pregnancy thing and shuddered. I never bought that the soul made you good. Especially Angel's. It just made him feel guilty but it didn't stop him. What he did to Buffy proved that for me. Season 1 and 2 showed, at least to me, that Angelus was still very much in charge of Angel's actions. What he did to her was classic Angelus. On par with what he did to Dru. He destroyed Buffy in a very real way. Destroyed her ability to trust her own heart, feelings and to trust others with her heart. Destroyed any future happiness she would ever be able to have with anyone. His repeated actions of popping into her life to tug at the strings of affection she still harbored for him. The guilt he saddled her with for the loss of his soul. It was disgusting. So to see her finally giving someone a real chance. To attempt to have an open, honest and meaningful relationship with someone
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You have no idea how happy I was after reading this. I read the last issue of the comics and practically vowed never to read the comics ever again. Spuffy was the reason I started following the nasty thing and a little bit of the fact that I am a big nerd, but anyway. When season 10 came I was so happy that Spike and Buffy started going out together, but when hints of their break up kept coming up, I became really reluctant to continue and, as I said, after reading the issue before this one, I nearly tore my hair off and did the promise to stop reading. Then this came and I feel so much at peace now
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