Well, it took over 24 hours, but I have managed to survive the carnage from yesterday's earthquake. About 15 minutes ago, I crawled out from the wreckage of a 8,293 story building that came crashing down in the midst of the massive earthquake that devestated South Bay. I had to crawl over the bodies of mangled victims, and had nothing to survive on
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Comments 3
You make me fear starting my masters...
I have a full bag of reese cups left...plus some loose candy.
Yes, ugh, I did use the word "pwnz". I figured it was only appropriate, since I spent this afternoon at my friend Marlon's house playing Halo 3. And dying repeatedly. That's enough geeky experience to warrant the use of gamer speak, right?
Sucks about the lack of kids at your place, though. You should come over to my friend's next year. Brian answered the door in full regalia and the little boy said "Thank you Mr. Star Wars man!"
Twas adorable.
Also, your LJ is dead.
*misses the old days*
Don't worry there has to be a break in the pain soon, and at least we aren't as bad as Miami or Kansas City.
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