Stealing a meme...

Jul 13, 2014 22:35

Name ~3 B7 fics you think I wouldn't ever, ever write, and I'll try to write a snippet of at least one of them.

I know I don't write that often, so it might not be obvious. :/

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Comments 23

executrix July 14 2014, 02:42:36 UTC
1. Tarrant is evil. Really, really, evil. Maybe so evil he actually has a fluffy white cat.
2. Blake tells Avon he loves him, but Avon says Cally Would Kill You if You Tried Anything.
3. 101 Things To Do with A Double-Bladed, Serrated Knife.


elviaprose July 14 2014, 03:28:32 UTC
Hmm. I'll have to give how I might go about 1&2 some thought. I think your evil!Tarrant is the definitive one.

In the mean time, have an excerpt from 101 Things To Do with A Double-Bladed, Serrated Knife:

Warning: Disturbing Images. Though not on par with those in A Terrible Aspect

1. Use your Double-Bladed, Serrated Knife to bisect your grapefruit Hjorklud.
2. Use your Double-Bladed, Serrated Knife to painstakingly loosen the flesh of each section of your bisected grapefruit Hjorklud.
3. Use your Double-Bladed, Serrated Knife to stab each painstakingly loosened section of your bisected grapefruitHjorklud and guide it into your mouth until you've consumed the entire grapefruit Hjorklud ( ... )


executrix July 14 2014, 03:45:51 UTC

However there are MANY ways Tarrant could be evil if he really wanted to be, including pre-TWB...


Find, Replace, Deploy elviaprose July 14 2014, 12:50:40 UTC
"Supreme Commander."

"Forward march, Captain Rai," Tarrant drawled, lifting a hand away from Star Killer's fluffy white coat to gesture Rai into the room.

"Supreme Commander," Rai said again. Tarrant wished he would stop repeating the title. It sounded as though he was reminding himself of Tarrant's rank.

"Well, what is it?" Tarrant asked, standing, knocking Star Killer to the floor. The old cat sprang away, ears back, but Tarrant's youthful reflexes allowed him to catch him in the side with the toe of his boot before he could retreat to Tarrant's desk.

"I value our friendship a great deal."

"Yes, yes, get on with whatever you have to tell me." If Rai thought their acquaintance at FSA made him more disposed to grant favors, he had another think coming.

"About putting Space Commander Servalan on the Blake Mission. Are you sure it's wise?"


clocketpatch July 14 2014, 05:31:03 UTC
1. Vila marries Jenna, and Cally, and Dayna, and Soolin, and Servalan... at the same time. His harem all get along perfectly and enjoy cooking Vila gourmet dinners, house cleaning, and taking care of all the mini!Vilas which have resulted.
2. The Liberator spontaneously transforms into a fluffy white cat named Princess Fluffypeep. The crew are all turned into small ducklings who ride on her back.
3. Avon-Cally bodyswap - in the style of Ben Stead


Isn't There a White Knight, Upon a Fiery Steed? executrix July 14 2014, 05:56:39 UTC
Can I play a hand?

"Woman, I am beautiful!" Avon declared, gazing enraptured at his slender form and tumbling curls. Unaccustomed to walking in such low heels, he tripped and sprawled backwards onto the sofa, started to swear, then decided to pass it off as masterfully throwing himself down.


Re: Isn't There a White Knight, Upon a Fiery Steed? clocketpatch July 14 2014, 06:40:08 UTC
Best. Subject line. Ever.


Re: Isn't There a White Knight, Upon a Fiery Steed? elviaprose July 14 2014, 12:06:57 UTC
Ahaha. OMG. OMG.

As Mark Antony said, I am dying, Egypt, dying.


lost_spook July 14 2014, 07:43:29 UTC
I'm not sure what you wouldn't write, so...

1. Avon murders Vila.

2. In S2, Blake decides everyone else is right and rebellion is a silly idea. He settles down with Jenna, Avon with Cally. (Vila sulks.)

3. B7/JC crossover (not fusion).


elviaprose July 14 2014, 15:39:05 UTC
For being not sure, you were right on the money. These are all things I would never ever write! :D

"So Orac," Vila said, alone one night on the flight deck, "what do I do for Blake for his birthday?"

"I suggest time travel," Orac answered.


lost_spook July 14 2014, 17:03:06 UTC
They seemed like things a person wouldn't want to write, so \o/

And, ha, yes, that is about the only way you could start it off, really. Besides, blaming Orac for everything is part of the fun.


aralias July 15 2014, 07:08:30 UTC
i think this is a great beginning :D


aralias July 15 2014, 07:18:16 UTC
1. Avon/Cally - post Terminal they finally confront their romantic feelings about each other in Servalan's medical unit

2. Post Orbit - Avon/Vila, Vila is very very sad so Avon comforts him with sex and hot chocolate

3. Avon viciously rapes Jenna post 'Duel'


elviaprose July 17 2014, 15:21:40 UTC
Oh, man. Oh, man. You know all my weaknesses. You leave me no choice but to do #2. I'll get back to you soon on this.

(sorry for the looong delay for even this filler comment. it's been a crazy day or so).


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