#002 | Lunch Time.

Apr 17, 2012 13:52

Starting today I will make lunch my main meal of the day.

We usually eat around 6:30 pm-ish and dinner is the heaviest meal of the day. It is usually protein in form of meat, carbs and a boring veggie. And that is not healthy. It's too late, too much. And it is always the same. Booooring.

As I do have a job that allows me to eat lunch at home, I will ( Read more... )


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Comments 17

elli April 17 2012, 12:51:26 UTC
All the resipes on your pinterest look amazing. I'm thinking of doing my own pinterest. It seems very cool, especially with all these images for the bookmarks.


elsmoka April 17 2012, 13:16:08 UTC
I love Pinterest because of the picture with every bookmark. It is really neat.
I can invite you to Pinterest if you want. I don't know if you still need an invitaion to sign up. But if you want one, let me know. :)


elli April 22 2012, 19:24:22 UTC
Still thinking about it. Because it is yet another platformn. I can hardly keep track as it is ;)


legoline April 17 2012, 12:57:17 UTC
Bei den Rezepten bekomme ja sogar ICH Lust, zu kochen O.o


elsmoka April 17 2012, 13:18:15 UTC
Ha, bist mir immer willkommen. :)

Morgen mache ich glaub ich irgendwas mit Salbei-bulgur. Mmmmm. :D


perhonen April 17 2012, 13:04:19 UTC
das ist ein guter plan!
und bei den rezeptfotos läuft einem ja das wasser im mund zusammen. - mittlerweile koche ich ja sehr gerne und relativ routiniert (wenn man das so nennen will), aber von den sachen könnte ich fast gar nichts essen. :(


elsmoka April 17 2012, 13:20:14 UTC
Finde ich auch! :)

Ich koche auch sehr viel, aber will mehr experimentieren. Und weiniger Fleisch. :)

Ja, das ist total doof. :(


roadrunner1896 April 17 2012, 14:36:28 UTC
Those recipes look so very yummy. I need to click my way through that page of yours sometime. :)

Also, another great step that I already did myself, though. I lost a lot of weight in 2010 when I started this. Sadly my body got used to it quickly and I almost didn't lose any last year or this year, but whatever. As long as the weight that I have lost stays lost, all is good. :D

And you get used to this very quickly after a few weeks you don't even want much and that fatty and carby stuff in the evening anymore. Hope that will happen to you, too. :)


elsmoka April 17 2012, 15:31:42 UTC
Yeah, I hope so, too. :D

Yes. Everything that stays off is awesome. I lost 12 kilos on 2010 but gained them all back when I stopped eating healthy and being sporty. :(

So, now I really want to make another effort. :D


roadrunner1896 April 17 2012, 15:33:12 UTC
I wonder how many of my lost kilos I will gain back once I can't afford doing sport anymore. Health insurance won't help cover a portion of them forever, sadly. :(


elsmoka April 23 2012, 13:39:10 UTC


iffygeneia April 17 2012, 18:05:31 UTC
Good idea!

We also eat at 6:30, way too late for me. I used to snack like mad, now I eat lunch twice (which also solved the problem).
My grandparents used to have a full meal at lunch, and just bread at dinner. Lately I've been thinking they might have been on to something. Having a large meal at lunchtime means you have a big part of the day in which you can use that energy.

Have fun experimenting! :)


elsmoka April 21 2012, 15:25:06 UTC
So far it is going great. I love cooking for myself without anyone having opinions about it and I can very well eat just a very small portion for dinner. :)


iffygeneia April 21 2012, 17:51:44 UTC
I LOVE cooking for just me, without pressure to cook something edible, and with the freedom to cook on my own timetable.


elsmoka April 22 2012, 09:36:02 UTC
Yes. And no disappointment when the other people don't like what you cooked. :)


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