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Comments 8

fabyenn May 31 2012, 22:17:35 UTC
HOT! beautifully written. There are so many fics you posted that I like that it's gonna take me a while to get through all of them lol. Nicely done!


elsewhere87 June 4 2012, 07:14:44 UTC
Hee, I get giddy when someone thinks I wrote something 'Hot'.

Yeah, I've been having fun with Camelot_Drabble.



ella_rose88 June 1 2012, 00:20:38 UTC
Lovely fic dearie! I loved the passion and tension you created between A/G in such a small amount of words. It was truly hot and sexy! With a little dose of angst for good measure!


elsewhere87 June 4 2012, 07:16:39 UTC
yay, 'hot and sexy'! :)

This was a lot of fun to write. It lets me get out too a little of what I would have liked to have seen more of on the show.

Thanks so much!


tassja_g June 10 2012, 03:39:15 UTC
**fans self** it's pretty hot in my apartment and reading this ficlet just made it hotter. This was artfully done, the sexual tension was just right and the angry passion was perfect. I kinda wanted them to have hot feverish sex :P but the ending was very characteristic of both Arthur and Gwen. In short, brilliant!


mara93 June 12 2012, 03:59:58 UTC
Yeah, it's been hot here too!

What a lovely detailed comment that makes me super happy. Thank you so much. You conveyed what I wanted to express with the fic. And that they were in character is so lovely for me.

Thank you! ❤


sv_lilah August 8 2012, 02:45:35 UTC
I love Arthur... It's no secret but he can be such a guy!!! Lol! But this was definitely a good extra scene in between the two episodes! It fit perfectly!


mara93 August 10 2012, 18:11:29 UTC
Oh yeah, he was pouting so much in that episode where Hengist took Gwen. I really felt for him...more than Gwen I got to admit. Must have been the pouting and that sad face, lol.

Those eps I always felt missing scenes from, always wanted a little more.



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