I had such a happening night! A bus conductor scolded me, one of the Bus Buddies (whom I will refer to as "J" from here onward), and - get this! - two other people who did nothing but tried to defend us. See, the conductor thought J and I had jumped the queue as we were standing in another lane; in reality, we were standing there because we were waiting for Hensem's bus and were being considerate by, you know, moving out of the line and not blocking people who wanted to board the bus that was waiting there. Sis #2 even informed him that we weren't going up that bus and would stand aside. But from out of no-freaking-where, the conductor threw a shit-fit at us, asking us to get to the back of the line because he didn't see us get in the queue. I explained the situation but he was having none of that, nuh-uh.
Then a passenger spoke up for us, telling the conductor nicely that we moved out of the line so as not to block people. Did he have that either? Nuh-uh, sister! Instead, he scolded the passenger, going down the bastard-celebrity route: "How dare you talk to me like that? You are so rude!" Um, no, dude, no. The last thing he was was being rude. And if that wasn't enough, the conductor scolded another woman! For also defending us, though not as vehemently as the first passenger who did!
J and I were like, "Screw this shit" and moved to the back of the line as the conductor wanted us to do. Hensem also came down from his bus later to defend our honour, but the conductor was still being a diva of Mariah Carey proportions and wanted none of that thing called rationality, unless it was served his style, i.e. crazy ... which is the antithesis of the concept, really. The effort was appreciated, but by then, we were more than all for screwing this shit because it was pointless to argue with someone so pig-headed, and we just wanted to get on the bus.
Sis #2, who witnessed everything and seethed on my behalf because this wasn't the first time it happened, apologised to the "rude" passenger and told Hensem everything. He then asked me, "Did [the conductor] scold you?" I answered yes, and he said, "Okay, he's going to get it tomorrow." Melt, I did.
Hensem did say that the conductor in question is somewhat power-hungry, which ... figures, considering how he scolds people (again, crazily). I'm not too bummed about it because it's such a stupid thing to get so worked up over, and ultimately, I still get to go up the bus somehow. I understand that it can be frustrating sometimes when people do jump the queue, but saying we did so because you didn't see us queuing beforehand while refuting claims of three other people who did see us is of epic moron levels. It's like saying air doesn't exist because you can't see it, and though it's proven by scientists all over. Therefore, for this, Mr Conductor, I'd like to direct your ranting to this .GIF as my response:
I can't wait to find out what Hensem's going to do or say to him tomorrow. Over the past couple of months that I've known him, I've learned one thing: don't mess with the Zohan Hensem and his friends. It's what I like to call an instant death wish, given his intensity.
Later in the bus, I joked that we should've pretended that we'd done this countless times before but never got caught until now: "How come we could do it before but not this time?" Hah! We'd be the pioneers of a record of blacklisted CW3 passengers.