Alphonse is not entirely sure he wants to do this.
Get a new place to stay, yes, the current residence they have is a hole-in-the-wall that Edward found in his first, confused days in the Nexus. Talk to another Edward- no. Not particularly high up on his list. The alternates in the Nexus have left him all kinds of frustrated and lost, and he prefers the company of his own brother to any other, despite the fact that his Edward is less than perfect. Edward is trying to regain his memories and personality from the nearly soulless being he seemed to be before... but Ed misses the small things, the things a normal person would.
Like the state of their makeshift "home." Alphonse hates it, it's half-destroyed and nowhere he wants to live, but Ed doesn't even seem to notice.
He swallows and rings the bell of
superman_dead's apartment. The 'helpful' Al, as his mind labels
al_notfullmetal, directed him to the building and told him which Ed to speak to.
He glances over his shoulder and then looks back when the door begins to open. He doesn't really know it, but he's got a look in his eyes, a look that's been forced there by life, that this Edward will probably recognize.