R is for…

Jul 12, 2007 22:17

Firstly, from this article:

The Decemberists is more or less a vehicle for Meloy's imaginative songs. His side projects include a musical, and plans to release a live solo album are in the works. But the Decemberists is Meloy's first priority.

!!! x a lot.

And now, the real music post. Some of these are close to going dead, since I uploaded sporadically. So if any of the links are dead, just let me know and I'll reupload.

Charlie Sneller - Raindrops
Absolutely gorgeous. It's mainly piano, with some cello in the background for depth. It honestly sounds like rain to me, in that it brings up images on sitting on the edge of a lake, surrounded by nothing but nature and fog, and quiet save the sound of the rain.

Sons and Daughters - Rama Lama
This is a really low-key song, for the most part. Almost the whole time it's just bass and drums. Then some guitar kicks in, though still at a pretty chill pace. The choruses have some more energy and noise. And then suddenly the song bursts. There's more noise, and the singers are really enthusiastic, and then all of the sudden it's back to before, except that the vocalist sounds a little more livened. And then that happens again. I probably didn't need to say all that, but oh well. I think you should listen to this song.

Miriam Shor - Random Number Generation
This is from Hedwig and the Angry Inch (which you should watch), except that it isn't really used in the movie. And that's unfortunate, because it's a kick-ass song. One of my favorites. It's the one that Miriam Shor sings instead of John Cameron Mitchell, and I love her voice. Probably partly because there's the whole androgyny / she's trans in the movie thing. Regardless, this is a rock song. Really and truly (unlike some "rock"). And all the vocals are either drawn out or practically bitten off. It's a lovely mix.

Laura Veirs - Rapture
This song is heartbreaking. They used it on Grey's Anatomy, during one of the many many tearjerker scenes. Anyway, her voice isn't overly sweet, and it echoes nicely. It's a pretty simple song, and the lyrics are great. I'm especially a fan of this verse: "the fate of Kurt Cobain / junk coursing through his veins / and young Virginia Woolf / death came and hung her coat"

Blue October - Razorblade
For a song about pedophilia/sexual abuse and self-injury, this song has rather happy-sounding starts of verses. And then it's as though he snaps out of it, and gets angry. The end gets really weird, and if it were up to me the last 25 seconds wouldn't exist. However, I've found this song to be rather addictive. I always end up wanting to sing along with the chorus (and no, not because of that). I also find it interesting how, over time, I've found different meaning in the line "in letting go I am so proud of what I've done".

Social Distortion - Reach For The Sky
Social Distortion was one of the big, influential punk bands of the late 70s and early 80s (and they're still around). This is pretty much an upbeat, really fucking awesome punk song, with a little more melody than one sometimes expects, partly because it's one of their latest songs; it's from 2004 instead of, say, 1983. Anyway, it's catchy as hell, and not in the annoying way (as far as I see it).

Bill Whelan - Reel Around The Sun
Think whatever you'd like, but I was a really big fan of Riverdance when I was little. (As in, I was still young enough that I'd dance around.) The music was, in my opinion, fabulous. And I just got my hands on one of the "soundtracks". Celtic music for Irish step dancing. Good times. (Also, that dancing still impresses me like no other. goddamn.)

Lord of the Rings - Requiem
This is, in a way, a remix of the theme from Requiem For A Dream that we all know so well (or maybe not, but anyway). Essentially, (I'm sure it's Howard Shore who did it) he took the original song and then layered it with the power of a full orchestra. At first the orchestra is subtle, and there are haunting, wordless vocals. Then the orchestra really kicks in, as do some more vocals, and it's fucking awesome. They used it in trailers.

Goldfrapp - Ride A White Horse
Goldfrapp is sex in music form, as far as I see it. This song is breathy electrorock (or indie trip-hop, or other such complicated names), with a strong beat and a voice that has more than that breathiness behind it. Genius. Dance music in a non-frantic way.

N*E*R*D - Rock Star (Jason Nevins Remix)
You look at me and go "what the fuck?" but go with me on this. The band (en ee are dee) could be classified as funk-rock with a very healthy dose of hip-hop, especially in this remix. The remix makes the song about twice as fast, and the beat is amazingly strong. It really rocks, and it's really catchy. I picture this being played in some crazy dance club.

Smashing Pumpkins - Rocket
This was probably my first Smashing Pumpkins song, and if not, it was the song that piqued my interest in them. This song is quite mellow, with the vocals half-buried beneath the electro-guitar sound. However, Billy Corgan's voice still stands out, in how it can be so gentle, but then also up the power when he needs to. I think this qualifies as a chill rock song.

The Remus Lupins - Room of Requirement
In case you couldn't guess, this is wizard rock. And I think you can guess what it's about. It's pretty much vocals and guitar, and later some back-up vocals as well. the sound quality could be a tiny bit better, but I'm not complaining. Essentially, this is wizard rock that actually managed to get a good record out.

Damien Rice - Rootless Tree
I've recced this before, but I had to do it again, because damn I love this song. I love Damien Rice in every form. His voice is amazing. This album, 9, is amazing, and I highly recommend it to anyone who likes this song. This song is half calm folk song, half angry folk song. The verses as sooo chill, just acoustic guitar, a simple beat, and his voice. Then he reaches the chorus and it gets loud, the lyrics moving into "fuck you fuck you fuck you and all we've been through"&c. There is so much emotion and force in this, I fucking love it. It's definitely two sides of the same coin.

Kaiser Chiefs - Ruby
This song was just recced my way, so I'm passing it on. This band is indie rock in the same vein as Arctic Monkeys and Franz Ferdinand, if that means anything to you. It's indie rock with emphasis on the rock. The chorus kicks ass, full of fast repetition: "rubyrubyrubyRUBY" "do ya do ya do ya DO YA?" It's an incredibly fun song.

Bowling For Soup - Running From Your Dad
If I haven't recced this before, shame on me. It was my favorite BFS song back in the day (read: middle school), and it still is (it must be good if it survives all the way from middle school to post-high school). I'm a fan of songs that are a little more minor, and this is. It's darker, as far as poprock goes. I mean, "and I can still see your dad running after me with a shovel in his hand, I don't remember much after that." (Also, there are la la la's). This song is awesome. One of their best, in my opinion.


music, music recs, mp3

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