N is for…

May 21, 2007 19:27

I bet you thought I'd never get back to these (since it's been a month and a half since the last one). But I never forget such things. (That's not true but just go with me on this.) These were uploaded over a rather large expanse of time, so let me know if any of them have already timed out.

Elliott Smith - Needle In The Hay
My first Elliott Smith song, thanks to The Royal Tenenbaums. There is no way I could not include it. It's the quiet space between urgent whispers.

Jack White - Never Far Away
No, I will never stop putting this up. Ever. From the Cold Mountain soundtrack, it's simple and folksy. Jack White and skillfully played guitar. A simple melody, very earnest and sweet. Comforting.

Fiona Apple - Never Is A Promise
One of my first Fiona Apple songs. From Tidal, back when her music was more piano-focused, and her voice was richer. Which is not to say I'm against the stuff that came later, because I'm a fan of all that as well. But this song demonstrates how soulful she can be. The song is quiet with a certain intensity.

Roisin Murphy - Night of The Dancing Flame
This is one wierd fucking song. The backing music is quirky, full of all sorts of tastes of instruments. I can't really explain it. It's a song that I'm sometimes really into, and sometimes not much at all. But I feel it's very much worth reccing. Partly because I'm a fan of her voice.

Sum 41 - No Brains
It's a rather straightforward, somewhat melancholy song. And has something that keeps pulling me back to it. It feels safe without feeling warm and fuzzy. Oh, and I love the background vocals, because when you listen with headphones they're very distant but very clear, if that makes sense. They're independent in a lovely way.

Cake - No Phone
It's Cake. It's quirky, the basic background music is synthesized and loops. More and more musical aspects add in as the song goes on. His voice is awesome. There's something strangely compelling about this song, more than I feel like should be.

A Perfect Circle - The Noose
This song is fucking gorgeous. Talk about building. It climbs up and up and up before finally bursting, then falls again. The lyrics are just right, and the song is haunting. It's APC, which has strong connections to Tool, so that should give you a vague idea of the kind of sound. Only combine that with something music quieter and more finessed.

Poe - Not A Virgin
This song is upbeat and sassy. Annie's voice is great, and it feels like she's talking, not singing, to you. I love the bridge (it has quite the late-90s feel).

Fiona Apple - Not About Love
Here is the other side of the Fiona spectrum. This song is from a version of her latest album (though I don't remember which version). It's heavily orchestrated but doesn't feel heavy. Quite the opposite in fact. Fiona's voice is still amazing. It's so deep, throaty, and fascinating. There are a lot of different parts of the song, all A+.
Oh, and you HAVE to watch the music video. Big bearded man lip-synching and doing interpretive dance, all as if in conversation with Fiona. Brilliance.

Also, all you Guys & Dolls people should watch her music video for "Paper Bag". Lots of little boys dressed in 1940s garb. Dancing.

Pink - Numb
Fuck yes I'm reccing Pink. I loved her music when I was younger, and I still love this song. It's all pissed off and energetic. Makes me want to jump around and yell the chorus. It's such an awesome song.


music, music recs, mp3

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