I'm feeling and sharing the work pain. We just got word that an offer is on the table to purchase the company I work for and all I'm thinking right now is... god, please don't keep me. Just let me go with a decent severance! 17 years was enough!
Best of luck in treading water until this chaos passes. I'm really looking forward to whatever fic comes down the pike first... when it's ready ;).
Hello there, Eloise. I hardly see you anyway as you've moved on to the SPN fandom, but it's still nice to see you in any disguise on my flist. ::hugs::
Comments 10
Yeah for teen Winchester fic! Isn't it relaxing to write? Who needs sleep?
Best of luck in treading water until this chaos passes. I'm really looking forward to whatever fic comes down the pike first... when it's ready ;).
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