I soooo love each and every one of these!! Your talent and creativity is endless hon!! *wishes k8t could draw like elly* I can't even draw good STICK figures...LOL. My fave is defitly the headesk...next...would have to be bill looking where she shouldn't. Ya gotta love the whole ladder thing!! HEHE. *k8t jumps in gutter*
thank you! lol happy new year to as well :D *drinks more champagne*
if you ever get the chance to go to antarctica you should take it. It's the most beautiful place in the world :D and if your daughter likes penquins, then she'd definitly like it lol. those birds run the place. *grin*
Comments 5
*straightens self out*
thank you katie - I like the gutter also... also thank you for reviewing! *is excited*
if you ever get the chance to go to antarctica you should take it. It's the most beautiful place in the world :D and if your daughter likes penquins, then she'd definitly like it lol. those birds run the place. *grin*
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