NOTE: Newest icons appear at the bottom of this page. Please don't hotlink. Snag at will. :D
Old Icons
New BSG Icons
The Adama/Roslin Month of Love
2 AUGUST NEW BSG ICONS (credit to 37_beachnutz for taking the original caps *hug* used with permission)
Icons using images kindly provided by: karihan
requested by bluetrekker12
Odds and Ends: Doctor Who - Stargate - Atlantis - BSG
Another Icon splerge based on a wallpaper lmao
Icons: Actors - Fandoms
Adama Roslin icons:
Eddie/Mary Icons:
Eddie icons:
Mary icons:
Dr. Who
BSG splurge
MORE Bill icons - season 3 speculation
BASE (without text) These icons may be used as a base for more icons as long as they are credited.
BLACK AND WHITE ICONS These may also be used as bases :D
______________________ NOTE: All icons in the above three sections come from elly's screen caps. You can request the original screen cap
Eddie - Mary
!!!IMPORTANT!!! The following icons are for the Cottle Month of Love. I am uploading them in advance - so please, if you happen to come across them before the 10th of September, don't tell anyone! lmao. I have bandwith issues and therefore had to upload them a little bit early. :D
all these come from my screen caps - if you wish, you can request the original screen caps. All textless icons may be used as a base as long as credit is given.