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Comments 44

pdt_bear November 28 2008, 22:37:01 UTC
oh! welcome back! and get better soon! now! I mean, yeah. ;)


ellixian November 28 2008, 22:39:56 UTC
Thank you!! ♥ It'd help if I went to bed. ONE. MORE. COMMENT.


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ellixian November 28 2008, 22:40:50 UTC
OMIGOD A++++++. I approve!! Did you manage to see it in the cinema in the end, or is this your first time?


I'll try to get around to tracking the Cheno concert over the next couple of weeks, btw, now that I'm home and reunited with my computer! :D


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ellixian November 28 2008, 22:53:43 UTC
It definitely DEFINITELY deserves the big screen! I'm excited to hear what you think when you've seen the whole film! Amanda is brilliant in it - she's such a bright little ball of energy. I LOVE Honey, Honey! :D And MERYL. But also COLIN, OMIGOD. I swear I watched it on the plane and swooned a little bit when he started singing. His voice isn't great, but he was SO ADORABLE at that part.

April is way too far away for that book to be out. Urk. Loooong wait to go. D:

That's REALLY PRETTY! Although... am I failing to see a connection here? Why theroomstops?

I'm tracking it for MYSELF, lol! If I want to load it on my iPod and it's not nicely tracked yet, I'll do it myself so I can track it the way I like it done. No worries there! :D


in48frames November 29 2008, 00:10:28 UTC
WTF-ever, Ghost Town was brilliant. I can't wait to see it again.

Um, also WTF to your "it's nice to know that I'm not alone"... there's a reason this not-very-good show is STILL on Broadway. :P


ellixian November 29 2008, 09:25:40 UTC
Oh I really liked it, but was expecting to LOVE it. It was still good though!

Ha, I'm sure the movie helped even more. I guess Mamma Mia is going to be on Broadway for ages yet!


sepulchralice November 29 2008, 03:31:44 UTC
Get better soon!

I'd advise you to rest more, but that would be hypocritical - I was sick the past couple weeks yet I did anything but sleep early etc. x)

But your post reminds me of how I haven't gone to the cinema for a while now. What is this fail!


ellixian November 29 2008, 09:27:12 UTC
Thank you thank you!

I ended up getting LOTS of rest - like, hours and hours of sleep. (It's 5.30pm now, if that's any indication of when I got up. Sigh.) Still sick though.

WATCH MOVIES. Watch Bolt, seriously. Cutest thing eveeer.


wanderlonely November 29 2008, 07:56:57 UTC


ellixian November 29 2008, 09:27:35 UTC


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