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Comments 38

llyfrgell November 17 2008, 18:41:35 UTC

4. I am so behind! But I refuse to listen to Keys until I buy it, which has to be at the signing on the 1st because otherwise I'll end up with assorted digital and real-life copies a la I Stand. Eek, I hope I can GO to the signing - need to check the time on that. D:

5. Oops, good thing you correctly assumed I'd forgotten to call, since I don't think we've talked since I said I'd "do it tomorrow." Must call and make my own reservation at some point... Did you go with the $30 or $50 tickets?

6. Ha, true. Too Darn Hot is a male chorus number, if I remember the stage production correctly. The revival with Brian Stokes Mitchell was the second Broadway show I ever saw!

6, #2. Am sad that I did not effectively stalk Tina Fey during the 30 Rock filming! Then again, those were possibly the two busiest/most exhausted days of the semester for me. Timing. :-\

Go to sleep!


ellixian November 18 2008, 13:37:59 UTC

4. I know what you mean about the trillion and one versions though. I've no idea how many copies of I Stand I have too, but MANY. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing. So I just got the online copy, and will probably buy one for the concert - if anyone will sign anything!

5. CALL WHEN YOU GET UP. I went for the $50 tickets in the end. Figured I could splurge after I decided against shelling out tons of $$$ for the Night Music concert!

6. I remembered correctly then! I saw a stage production of Kiss Me Kate in London and was surprised that Too Darn Hot wasn't sung by Bianca... then realised it was a huge male ensemble number kicking off Act II. OMG BRIAN STOKES MITCHELL. You so luck. *weeps*

(faily numbering). I do not blame you for failing to stalk if RL got in the way. D: But next time, maybe!


gizmospur November 17 2008, 18:43:16 UTC
So apparently I'm just stalking you now. Whoops! Hopefully you're avoiding yicky work and I know I'm avoiding research! Does it make me an utter nerd to love that I knew exactly which song this entry's subject came from??? I'm sure it does but that doesn't keep me from grinning!

I am all about Meryl's legs in this bit. I mean, let's be real here, I'm all about Meryl's legs at pretty much any given moment during the day buuuuuut, this at least allows me to legitimately stare and fantasize dirty, dirty, kinky things!

Sob, and I'm so awful. I read all your entries and then get to the end and am just a big lump of SDFLKJSDKLFMERYL!!!! I AM LAME! But it'll be an interesting segue this time at least! You know that possible Meryl romantic comedy I mentioned in my comment to your other entry? One of the rumored male co-stars is Alec! WHO IS LOVE.


ellixian November 18 2008, 13:50:34 UTC
Ahahaha, I appreciate stalking if it involves Meryl!flail! :D It does not make you a nerd at all, it makes me glad to know that someone else probably listens to Meryl singing on repeat and gets a real kick out at that. *weeps at my own sadness* ;)

Meryl is gorgeous in this video - I kind of wish they'd had more close-ups during the number rather than just filming the whole thing distantly from the stage. She looks like she was dancing up a STORM!

MERYL QUITE OFTEN LEAVES ME SPEECHLESS, WITH MY ONLY REACTION BEING KEYSMASHING. SO ALL IS GOOD. LIKE SO: AFKJLAFHLHDGLHSDLGHSLD. And yes, I know about Meryl's upcoming romantic comedy. Hmmm. Interesting new co-stars to say the least. I'm still hoping that in some awesome universe somewhere, First Man is still in production - because I would love love LOVE it if Meryl acted opposite Robert De Niro again, aieee!


sunspawn November 17 2008, 19:05:46 UTC
thank you!!! :)


ellixian November 18 2008, 13:51:13 UTC

Hope you had a great day!


leagirl November 17 2008, 19:08:45 UTC
Found 3 mosquitoes in my apartment the other day... it is freezing out. They are INVINCIBLE.

Go to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!


ellixian November 18 2008, 13:54:38 UTC
WTF. Are mosquitoes the new cockroaches now? I didn't think they could survive cold weather like you're having now. ARGH, I DISAPPROVE.


xixlovexgreenx November 17 2008, 19:17:50 UTC
4. I LOVE KEYS. And There It Is is probably my fave song, though Megan's, Julia's, Jenn's and Kerry's are great as well. In my opinion, that is. xD

6. OMFGJM...may I please ROFL? That just kinda made my day... xD


ellixian November 18 2008, 13:55:38 UTC
4. The entire album is pretty much made of incredible amounts of awesome. But yeah, Lisa's track is definitely a standout!


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