weekend round-up

Oct 27, 2008 05:07

1. Yay for a lazy weekend following on a lazy week - I haven't slept as much as I should (OMG it's 4am *cries*), and I haven't watched ANY of the TV I was going to watch, augh. But... urm, at least I got to rest and chill out a bit?

2. Watched Blindness with a friend on Saturday - I really liked it. Not an easy movie to love, and it certainly ( Read more... )

oh look a good day, lj - noldoparma, julia murney, lollerskating brb!!, theatre, meryl streep, movies, bookdorking, capslock flail, family, om nom nom nom, starstalking, sleep patterns of fail, pics!!

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Comments 53

alexia88 October 26 2008, 22:58:16 UTC
Dude, you must watch House tomorrow and catch up before the epic to end all epic that is likely to be Tuesday. I am extremely unspoiled, thank God, but I just know it will be huge :D

But yay for a lazy weekend at least!! Sounds like you had fun and caught up on sleep which is good.


ellixian October 27 2008, 10:48:21 UTC
Yes, I KNOW! But my stupid retarded computer is down AGAIN - I think there's some connection to my making excessive amounts of icons and my computer getting upset at being forced to work so hard *weeps* - so I don't know if I can get at the episodes I've downloaded. Or I will DEFINITELY be watching tonight. I NEED TO FLAIL IN TIME FOR 5x06, ZOMG!! *weeps*

I didn't get as much sleep as I would have liked, but I definitely got to chill out, which was GREAT. :D


absinthelisa October 26 2008, 23:00:46 UTC
okay, I *told* you to stay home and watch Julia's WOO instead, but did you listen? No.

She does sing perfect especially perfectly :) I like her little Japanese bows at the end of her songs.

There is always time for more Julia!flail


ellixian October 27 2008, 10:49:41 UTC
LOL, you told me so! *weeps* I definitely should have stayed at home - watched Wicked, tv, a movie, ANYTHING. Would have been far more conducive to my flail than that stage production!

Julia!flail is the best kind of flail. You'll be able to experience those little Japanese bows YOURSELF come Nov 24! :D


in48frames October 27 2008, 01:20:14 UTC
You don't like Benny & Joon?


ellixian October 27 2008, 10:50:32 UTC
I didn't, I'm afraid - I was hoping to enjoy it because Julianne is in it with Johnny Depp. I didn't HATE it, but I don't remember being particularly enamoured of the film. Sigh. D:


wanderlonely October 27 2008, 04:34:49 UTC


ellixian October 27 2008, 10:51:08 UTC


irnbruise October 27 2008, 05:11:09 UTC
I wasn't crazy about Blindness past the first half hour or so, but my defense/recommendation of better dystopian movies are flexible and better left out of lj comments. Still, the acting was pretty much faultless. Julianne needs an Oscar, but it isn't going to be for this one.


ellixian October 27 2008, 10:53:15 UTC
I didn't LOVE the movie - not one of my favourites this year - but I did think it was really quite interesting and well done. The narration and the ending were almost a deal-breaker for me though.

As for Julianne getting an Oscar: yeah, she's pretty much not getting it for this role. The movie isn't lending her any buzz and that doesn't help. (Oh, I know who else might make the nomination shortlist - Kate Winslet for Revolutionary Road. Another actress who frickin' needs some Oscar recognition.)


irnbruise October 27 2008, 18:26:43 UTC
Yeah, the ending and the narration were like, appallingly bad. I expect more from the guy who directed City of God. Haven't read the book (Blindness), but giving a dystopian story a happy ending makes it come off like some preachy morality fable and gives you nothing to think about once you're done. Lame.

Kate Winslet is also overdue for some recognition - I feel like she and Julianne are perennial Oscar bridesmaids, and it's almost like they're being punished for their consistent excellence by losing out to flashier performances by actresses who ugly it up (Nicole Kidman, Halle Berry). But then, there are a bazillion international actors doing comparable or even better work who will never even make it to the Academy's radar, so I take the whole thing with a large grain of salt.


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