"how about it, sheridan?" ... "are you nuts?"

Sep 28, 2008 05:27

1. HAI IT'S 5.25AM. WTF. And my Saturday actually got off to a kind of normal start too - got up just before noon, which is pretty good considering that I left work only at 2am! Now that's all screwed-up. Clearly a normal sleeping schedule is not something I am genetically capable of maintaining ( Read more... )

boots, oh look a good day, tunespammage, meryl streep, music, movies, flist-love, capslock flail, family, om nom nom nom, sleep patterns of fail

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Comments 28

llyfrgell September 28 2008, 00:33:17 UTC
1. At least a messed-up sleep schedule on the weekend is EXPECTED. We barely got up early enough for the matinee lottery today - but good thing we made it, because we won! And [tos] is FANTASTIC, by the way - I'm so sad it's closing before January. You guys would LOVE it.

Will write more when I post - but can I make an icon request? It's just text: "That's not irony, that just sucks." :-)

2. I should, um, see Mamma Mia someday. Oops.

4. Dude, you think Singapore is bad about car racing? I grew up in the home of the Indy 500 (hopefully you've heard of that over there, or else I'll feel dumb), and I used to spend race days at my grandparents' house - six blocks from the racetrack. And my dad works night security during race weekends. I know ALL ABOUT the total insanity of race fans. :-\

5. Excited for your Cocktoberfest! (LOL, it suddenly occurred to me that I should wish Julia a happy Cocktober at the concerts on the 6th. Too bad I could never in a million years make myself say that to her.)


ellixian September 28 2008, 10:39:35 UTC
1. LOL, again, my sleep schedule was rescued when my friend called me at 2.30 to get me up for tea at 3. So I'm not actually waking up at 7pm, which bodes well for the next week. I GUESS.

Oh [tos]. *weeps* I think I now have to put out a distress call for a DVD and start listening to the CR, which I haven't done. (I tend to prefer seeing a show fresh if I can, unless I'm desperate - can we say 9 to 5?) I'm so glad you enjoyed though!

Can't wait to read more about it. How are these for icons? I went to the official site and stole the ideas for the icons from their main page. :D

... )


llyfrgell September 28 2008, 17:32:34 UTC
1. You SHOULD start listening to the CR! Hm, especially if you can get the off-Broadway version - that's the one I have, and there were a bazillion changes in the Broadway version so lots of songs were still new and exciting. It's SO FUNNY. And I actually kind of have hope that it'll extend - there were a bunch of [tos]sers around afterwards with duct tape all over themselves handing out flyers. Hunter said he hopes they can extend too! (I was all non-stagedoormat at this one!) And then the [tos]sers tried to give me a flyer and I was like, "wow, preaching to the choir, guys ( ... )


ellixian September 28 2008, 19:11:16 UTC
1. I'm pretty sure the CR I downloaded a billion years ago is the off-Broadway one - I guess I WILL have to listen to it now. The [tos]sers are going mad with the campaign though, so I really hope that it manages to extend the run a little, and get the show more PROMINENCE. I kind of feel it opened on Broadway (and will probably close) with no one but diehard theatre fans noticing. Which would be kind of sad.

Go you for talking to Hunter!! And for being inducted into the choir. ;)

4. I think there are F1 races taking place all across the world - I know one takes place in Malaysia too. I'm not sure if Singapore now has exclusive rights. I don't THINK so? But honestly I don't follow it at all! Urgh, rednecks. I don't even KNOW what the demographic is like here, but I can't imagine squeezing with all of them in the bleachers in our weather. Soooo... NO.

5. Yay for Cocktoberfest! :D Awww. Seriously. No being a stagedoormat. If you can talk to her when she's in SHORTS, for ten minutes, you can talk to her in other settings, surely?!


lissie_pissie September 28 2008, 02:11:10 UTC
omg I saw Chicago in the movie theater so many times. It was insane. I loved it.


ellixian September 28 2008, 10:29:45 UTC
Fantastic, I'm glad I'm not the only one! My sister and I were beginning to think that three times was a bit excessive... and then we WENT AGAIN. I loved it so.


lanafromoz September 28 2008, 04:30:00 UTC
1. I was up past 5. :P

5. I'm THIS close to re-doing my tagging system. THIS close.


ellixian September 28 2008, 10:30:32 UTC
1. *weeps*

5. I APPROVE. I was mainly retagging because I started a new tag for Allison Janney. But I should probably reorganise at some point too.


lanafromoz September 28 2008, 10:31:19 UTC
I'm thinking of doing categories instead of my more general ones! I can never find anything.


ellixian September 28 2008, 10:32:33 UTC
That's a good plan - it's easier to pull up old entries that way! I tag like a maniac, lol, and even then it isn't enough!


timeofyoursong September 28 2008, 06:55:30 UTC


ellixian September 28 2008, 10:26:56 UTC
HAI I KIND OF THINK YOU ARE MY HERO. I AM GOING TO WATCH THIS OVER AND OVER AGAIN. I am a bit sad that the last bit with Tina making gun noises was cut off, because OMG CAN WE SAY ICON TIME. SO MUCH AWESOME. *WEEPS*


wanderlonely September 28 2008, 13:59:16 UTC
I still haven't bought the soundtrack of Mamma Mia, I'm waiting for its special edition (I guess it will have a sepcial edition, it will, right? XD), why can we have a Mamma Mia sounratck of ALL DIALOGUE/SONGS/MUSIC EVERYTHING???????


ellixian September 28 2008, 14:00:29 UTC
INORITE! That's why I had to go make my own audio recording. I'm SURE there'll be a special-edition CD eventually, but this one will have to do for me until then! And it's kind of fun to have audience laughter and the dialogue as well - feels a little bit more like a live performance that way. XD


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