Woe is me.

Aug 17, 2008 03:13

1. Oh god almighty. I think my computer and/or external hard drive is dying on me. I'm not sure what's happening, but it's behaving super weirdly and ARGH. I can't tell WHERE the problem is, or I'd at least know who to call to get it fixed. Can an external hard drive be corrupted and completely wreck an operating system? FUCKITY. Details under the ( Read more... )

rl ftl, a little less hard time, yoga, my computer hates me

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Comments 33

smokeline August 16 2008, 20:41:10 UTC
The slowness is probably an issue with the memory on your computer. How old is it? How much RAM does it have? How much space on your computer's harddrive is free? Sometimes not turning your computer off can cause similar problems, but it sounds like you do that if it won't turn on. XD

The not turning on concerns me, though. Last time that happened I needed a new harddrive. But I was only using the one inside my computer, so I'm not sure how your external harddrive relates. If you're having a problem that seems to be pretty correlated with having your external harddrive connected (especially with your brother's computer not recognizing it), my guess is you just need a new external. Not exactly sure how one would go about transferring files between external harddrives without putting them on your computer first, though.

With all that said, you should probably...ask someone at a computer repair service before you do anything drastic like buying a new computer or external harddrive, haha. Good luck!


ellixian August 16 2008, 21:24:46 UTC
I don't know whether it's because I've overloaded the computer like crazy with my flail (entirely possible). It's not old AT ALL. I just bought it at the end of last year, and the specs were pretty good at the time. 2GB RAM, which is why I have no idea why it's getting slow and a bit stupid. I checked just now - it's got over 70GB out of 143GB free? That's not bad, isn't it? I put everything on the external HD these days.

The not turning on is what drives me batty. It means it could be the computer, or the external HD, you know? If it were the external HD, I'd just take that somewhere and get the files transferred, or get that looked at. But what if it doesn't fix the computer hardware problem?! PFAH. This is driving me mad!

I'll see if I can get some techy people I know - family, friends - to look at it before I do anything drastic. IT'S A NEW COMPUTER ARGH.


smokeline August 17 2008, 02:29:03 UTC
Yeah, my current computer also has 2GB RAM and 139GB hard drive, but I've only got 20GB free (I only use my external for back-up) and it's just fine. So...that is strange.


ellixian August 17 2008, 05:57:24 UTC
That's what I thought - I didn't THINK I'd overloaded my main HD. (If my ext HD is gone, I'd be most upset, however.) Bah humbug. Shall call up the computer people now and see if they can help puzzle through the problem.


book232 August 16 2008, 20:45:45 UTC
Firefox is really slow for me, too, ever since I upgraded to FF3. Very annoying, but I'm not sure if it's the new version or my computer, or a combination of the two.
I can't help you with the computer stuff, sorry bb.

It's fear of the unknown, more than anything else, I think, that keeps me from really DOING anything about it.
That's mostly what keeps us from trying out new things, isn't it. Go for it, you know you can do it. But even if it does NOT work out, at least you'll have tried. If you don't even give it a try, you'll be angry and disappointed with yourself, and that's even worse.


fallapartagain August 16 2008, 20:55:54 UTC
Excuse the threadjack here but a lot of people on my flist have really complained about FF3 and how awful it is and how much of a mess it makes computers. Might be worth going back to FF2 for a while if you can?

re: the computer, mine does the same sometimes when I have drives mapped to external drives on other computers. I'd try and scan that drive for virus-infested or corrupted files? It's unlikely I suppose since there's no OS or anything, just files, but... there may be some questionable things in there?

Other than that: clear out your hard drives and scan and defrag like a mofo? Clearing my harddrive has worked wonders for my computer's performance. I've made a billion CDs of stuff but I have enough free space to download a billion Julia-related things!


ellixian August 16 2008, 21:30:27 UTC
I don't even remember whether I upgraded to FF3, though the stupid thing might have upgraded itself, for all I know.

I'm glad to hear my computer isn't the only one that spazzes out because of an external drive. All my stuff these days is mapped to that drive (sigh big SIGH if I lose everything on it). I don't know if I'll be able to scan it, though, if it makes my computer wig out every time I connect it!

Next time my computer deigns to boot up, I'm defragging like a MOFO, trust me on that. It was starting to slow up rather much for my liking. SIGH.


ellixian August 16 2008, 21:26:26 UTC
Urgh. Stupid Firefox. I suspect the LJ thing might not be correlated to the general problems of fail my computer is experiencing. SO ANNOYED.

Go for it, you know you can do it. But even if it does NOT work out, at least you'll have tried.

Thank you for this. ♥ I think I need as many people to tell me this as possible, so when I DO do something retarded like quit my current well-paying job to go live the life of a vagabond on the streets of NYC, I won't feel TOO bad about it. ;)



dark_faith366 August 16 2008, 21:14:33 UTC
... buy a new computer?

But, but, the unknown is SO much fun! And when you think aboout it, what could go wrong? I mean, how bad could it really get? Plus, you're a great smart girl, you can deal with everything life throws at you. Just do it woman, so you don't have to ever turn around and have regrets. Regrets are terrible. I don't know what's the plan exactly but there's one sure thing in life; You can't get it if you don't go for it.

Plus, Julia would tell you to do it :p


ellixian August 16 2008, 21:28:17 UTC
LOL OMG. This new computer I bought only in November last year! End of the month, actually, so December. I can't believe I broke it so fast!

I don't know what's the plan exactly but there's one sure thing in life; You can't get it if you don't go for it.

♥ You are awesome. I KNOW this, intellectually, and I really really want to believe in it. So I'm starting to take baby steps into figuring out what I want to do, and how I want to do it, and maybe I will crash and burn. But hey. What's life without a few dust-ups, huh? ;) I'LL TRY. HOPEFULLY IT'LL WORK OUT. Who knows...


agica89 August 16 2008, 21:38:26 UTC
1.) I'm so sorry about your computer.I hope, you'll find somebody, who can fix it!

3.) LOL.Flail > yoga


ellixian August 16 2008, 21:39:24 UTC
1. *sobs* I hope so too! It's so annoying!

3. Most definitely. XD


jukebox_grad August 16 2008, 22:08:48 UTC
Hm... I dunno, can viruses effect a HD if it doesn't have Windows installed on it? I would think a virus finds its way in via holes in the operating system...

I'm not help, hon. :/

Have you done a defrag analysis? Could be slowing things down. Or maybe the driver for the external HD got screwed up and would benefit from a reinstall?

I went through a thing with my laptop a month or so ago -- I upgraded my AVG Anti-Virus program to their new version, and it was conflicting with another anti-virus program I had. It was freezing at weird moments, if it managed to actually boot up and show me my icons. Do you have it set to make restore markers, so you can go back however many days since you remember it not being a little bitch, and roll back to that?

This is the most pointless comment ever.


ellixian August 17 2008, 06:27:59 UTC
See, I HAVE NO IDEA whether ext HDs can get corrupted to the point that they're breaking everything else. It's so frustrating to me!!

Can't do a defrag if the darn thing won't even boot up. There's a possibility that it might be ANY of these things, so I'm despairing and probably contemplating bringing the whole kit and kaboodle into a workshop some place.

I sure hope it wasn't something I downloaded that broke the whole thing, but it might well be, since I'm so ridiculously indiscriminate with my downloading. Fuck. SADFACE. How am I to flail this way?

It wasn't pointless! You're trying to help! I'm the idiot who broke it, I suspect.


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