Aug 03, 2008 04:20



randomness, capslock flail, xflail, pics!!, movies

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Comments 67

nitsa_maro August 2 2008, 21:26:14 UTC
I am writing this with my eyes closed cuz i haven't seen the movie yet and i don't wanna read anything!!!

Gillian looks wonderful in all the pics ♥


ellixian August 2 2008, 21:29:47 UTC
Awwww, NO! :( Poor baby, I'm sorry you haven't been able to see the movie yet - when does it come out where you are?



nitsa_maro August 2 2008, 21:34:09 UTC
It had already come out but due to some problems I had,I didn't have the time to go and watch it :( .Hopefully some time this week I will.."cross my fingers"


ellixian August 2 2008, 21:37:33 UTC
Awww, bummer. I'm sorry about that. I'll cross my fingers in hope that you'll be able to go next week too!!


inafaugh August 2 2008, 21:48:11 UTC
Gillian Anderson, yet another reason for a gal to question her preferences. So pretty. So REDHEADED. Not really an x-phile, but she's just.....

Oh, and Mr. Duchovney ain't too shabby either. (sigh)


ellixian August 2 2008, 21:50:50 UTC
Well HAI THERE. :D And ain't it the truth. God - I cannot get over how gorgeous Gillian is. She distracts me from DAVID, and he's SO HOT, you know? You don't have to be an X-Phile to appreciate Gillian, nope. Her beauty is universal. ;)


tamoshan August 2 2008, 22:11:56 UTC
we're going to have to disagree on the movie
but i totally agree about gillian's hair ;)

ooh question.. did mulder's list of contacts on his cell phone include the name gillian?


ellixian August 2 2008, 22:16:01 UTC
LOL, hey, we don't have to disagree - I rather disliked the plot, as I said in my initial review. Watching it a second time didn't change that fact, but made it easier to ignore in favour of all the awesome Mulder/Scully moments. We shippers cling to what we can get (a skill well honed over YEARS of clinging to tiny moments), and we just got TONS of awesome in this one. So. ;)

Gillian's hair > all, trufax.

List of contacts: in-joke! Not Gillian, but Gilligan, as in Vince Gilligan - writer of some of the best XF episodes ever (like Small Potatoes, if that means anything). The name below Scully's is Shiban - another XF writer. I did remember thinking after seeing the film the second time that Mulder's cell phone contact list was awfully sparse. G to S right away? Man. Loser. ;)


tamoshan August 2 2008, 22:30:20 UTC
oh i hadn't read that b/c i hadn't seen the movie at the time.. guess i could read it now -g-

purty hair

ahhh! i looked away for a second and only caught the gill part and when i looked back it was gone
somebody get mulder some friends! ;)


ellixian August 2 2008, 22:33:12 UTC
Naw, it's okay. It was just my attempt to be all restrained and OBJECTIVE before I exploded in flail over the kissing and spooning. ;)

You looked away for a second?! NO! Although, understandable. Gillian wasn't onscreen. ;) And Mulder HAD friends - the Lone Gunmen. But they're all dead now, or something. (Bah.)

Funny thing I just thought about - clearly in the six years since the end of the series, Mulder and Scully have made no new friends. And only have each other. That's kind of adorable, in a really... sad way. ;)


bsofthewest August 2 2008, 22:46:10 UTC
All right, I will go see it again, because of you and because I want to see the spooning again and because I loved it when she clobbered the baddie. Of course we have to see it multiple times!
I want aliens in the next one!


ellixian August 2 2008, 22:57:34 UTC
LOL, I love how my flail is convincing people to go see this movie MORE. GOOD. ;)

Honestly though, who wouldn't want to see the spooning again? Anyone who claims otherwise - that's just CRAZY TALK.

Aliens in the next one - wow, I don't know if my poor brain can take that! I've never understood the mytharc, LOL. I'd love a comedy X-File next, if they do make a follow-up movie!


bsofthewest August 2 2008, 23:27:03 UTC
They will They will They must!


nut_meggers August 2 2008, 23:06:27 UTC
Good GOD what a beauty Gillian is and, it seems, forever will be. I still can't get over the recent photoshoot. I didn't care much for her hair in the movie, but up and kind of messy like that (my downfall) is sexy as hell.

And I SO remember that Mirth photoshoot. I had that one of her leg up next to the water basin on my wall. I need to pop in some classic XF right before bed so I can dream some happy Gillian (and David) dreams. I've been very impressional before bed lately, having dirty fun with whomever I've been thinking about.


ellixian August 2 2008, 23:20:40 UTC
Oh god. I would say, don't even get me STARTED on how beautiful Gillian is - except it was the point of this picspam, really, and geez. She's incredibly gorgeous. I can't wait until I get that third photo from this shoot uploaded and you can see it for yourself. I'm ITCHING to icon that because it's a particularly lovely moment. She's not looking at the camera, just looking down, and the HAIR. ♥

Eeee, someone who loves the corset shoot as much as I do! That picture you mention was my wallpaper forEVER. Classic XF before bed sounds like good good times. I should do the same... except it's 7.20 in the morning and I really REALLY ought to be in bed, LOL.


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